Extra Worried

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a/n: this is for JessicaMedinasegundo ! thank you for the request & I hope you love it!

To say it had been a whirlwind of a year would be an understatement. Between Shawn's biggest world tour yet, the pregnancy and finding out there wasn't just one baby but two on the way, and traveling around the world, it has been crazy. But despite it all, I wouldn't trade a single moment of it for anything.

Shawn and I had just found out I was pregnant about four months ago, right before tour had started. We were overwhelmed with happiness and love at the fact that our dream of starting a family was finally coming true. Our lives were changing and I swear Shawn never let me forget how excited he was about the baby whether it was with little kisses to my flat belly or little reminders of the future.

Then we went for the first ultrasound and the doctor proudly told us we were having twins. If it was possible, Shawn cried even more than when he found out about the pregnancy and hugged me so tightly, making my heart soar with adoration, before we got back in the car to go home.

Since then, we'e been on the road through the North American leg of his tour. At first, I told Shawn that it was totally okay for me to stay at home and let him have the time of his life. But he insisted that I joined him because not only would he be able to make sure the babies and I were okay at all times but he wouldn't have to miss me while he was away like usual.

The crew was happy to have me back and they greeted us with thousands of congratulations and hugs. Shawn couldn't keep the exciting news to himself for long so almost as soon as we knew, he told the crew who was more than ecstatic about it.

At every show, I would help out backstage for a little bit before taking my usual place at the side of the stage to watch Shawn perform. After six years together, I never got tired of watching him perform and I don't think I ever will. He brings his own kind of magic and happiness when he sings, making thousands of people so insanely happy.

As my belly grew and we were traveling to a different city every night, I found it slightly more difficult at each show to help the crew like I used to. Only four months in and the baby bump was clearly visible, something Shawn loved more than anything, but the usual pregnancies struggles were becoming harder to deal with. With the jet lag and the constant movement of the twins in my stomach, I was always exhausted and catching up on sleep seemed impossible because of how fast everything was moving. My ankles were slightly swollen which in turn made standing backstage a little more painful.

Everyone seemed to notice that the craziness of tour was getting to me and as each day passed, the biggest concern was that the babies and I were okay. Shawn still ran off stage every night to hug me warmly before kissing me deeply and resting his large hands on my baby bump, but when he pulled away, his beautiful hazel eyes were full of worry and love. Since we found out about the pregnancy, Shawn had been focused on nothing but being the most caring about everything I did and being there for anything I needed.

And he realized one night when he finished the show and ran off for his usual hug from me but I wasn't there waiting for him, that something was wrong.

When he rushed into his dressing room and found me snuggled up under a blanket fast asleep on the couch, tears sprung into his eyes. Gently, he placed one of his large hands on my arm before pressing a loving kiss to my forehead. My eyes immediately fluttered opened, settling on Shawn's gorgeous face which was covered in concern.

"Ohmygod baby, are you okay?" he whispered softly, caressing my cheek for a moment. The adrenaline and pure joy rushing through his veins from the concert seemed to stop as his gaze, full of worry, held mine.

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