Hold Still

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"Alright everyone! Shawn will be here in twenty minutes so please triple check everything and be ready when he gets here. Thank you!!" my boss yelled silencing everyone in the busy room. I headed over to the smaller room that was connected to the studio where all the outfits for the photoshoot were hanging in order. After a quick glance at my watch, I started thumbing through all the outfits double checking everything was in place. 

"Shoes, shirts, pants, jackets, and the suits," I mumbled to myself as my eyes grazed over the clothes on the rack. "Okay, all set!" 

I had worked as a stylist for Variety Magazine for two years now. In college, I secured an internship with the magazine and after graduating, I recieved an offer to take the position of the head stylist. It was a complete dream come true. The move to LA and starting a new life was rough at first but as I adjusted, I fell more and more in love with the city and my job.

Before I knew it, everyone in the room was hurrying to get in position like they were starring in a hit musical and Shawn Mendes entered the room with this team just behind him. To say I was excited for this shoot was an understatement. I had attended a few of Shawn's concerts before but when my boss announced next month's cover star was going to be Shawn, I couldn't believe it. He was a huge inspiration and there was nothing else in the world like his music. 

Hair and makeup was first on the list so I had some time until I saw Shawn. "All set over here Y/N?" my boss asked walking up to me. 

"Yup. The outfits are all set and everything is in order ready to go," I smiled at her.

"Perfect! Shawn will be out in ten minutes so just be ready. You're honestly the best stylist we've had in awhile and I know you were looking forward to this shoot for since it was announced so enjoy it, okay?" she asked watching me blush slightly. I nodded and thanked her before she moved on to check with the photographers.

"You're all set hun! On to the dressing room for you!" I heard the hair stylist exclaim from the other side of the room where chairs were set up in front of mirrors with bright lights. She pointed Shawn towards where you were standing by the dressing room. I raised my hand to wave and Shawn immediately saw me. He thanked the hairstylist and started to head in my direction.

In the matter of seconds, Shawn was standing in front of me and made eye contact with me. He was dressed in a simple gray t-shirt, black jeans and a pair of boots. His beautiful brown eyes were soft and crinkled in the corners from the sweet smile that spread across his face as he took in all my features. His newly styled brown curls fell over his forehead perfectly and his cheeks were rosy which made him look even more adorable. I noticed the small scar on his cheek and realized he was fumbling with the bracelet on his wrist. 

"Hi, I'm Shawn." he stated simply, rubbing his hand over his tattooed arm in a nervous way. I laughed and felt myself blush under his gaze.

"I know. I'm Y/N, the stylist," I said matching his smile. "All ready to go?" Shawn nodded and I led him into the dressing room. "Okay, first up we've got a simple white button down short sleve shirt, black jeans and a different pair of boots." I told him as I started pulling pieces of clothing off the rack. "I'll be right outside. Let me know when you're done though because I have to do the buttons," I said as I handed Shawn the outfit. 

"Okay," He let out a small chuckle and his lips pulled up into another large smile.

The door clicked behind me as I pulled it close. The studio was buzzing now, people bustling around the set making sure it was set to the photgrapher's needs. Sunlight was seeping through the windows in the studio, filling the room with natural light and it was the only peaceful thing in the room. Suddenly, I heard the door open behind my back.

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