Heartbreak After Heartbreak

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a/n: this is for JuliaSantos605993 ! thank you for the request & I hope you love it!

Shawn's POV

The silent darkness consumed the bedroom as a streak of moonlight peaked through the curtains. Bright city lights twinkled just outside the large windows and the craziness Toronto was settling down for the late hour.

Y/N's head lay on my bare chest as her arms wrapped around my torso and her legs tangled with mine under the sheets. Her skin was warm against mine, a feeling I never got tired of, and my fingers ran through her gorgeous hair which was slightly tousled.

Her chest rose with soft breaths and she absentmindedly traced imaginary shapes on my stomach. Keeping my arms around her body tightly, I pressed a warm kiss to the top of her head and my heart swelled with adoration.

I couldn't believe how in love I was with this woman even after being together for six years.

A lazy smile spread across Y/N's lips at my touch and she instantly responded by pressing a long kiss to my chest. The familiar warm feeling of love spread through my body and a rush of pure joy coursed through my veins. She shivered slightly, snuggling in closer to me as I pulled the blankets up. Rubbing one hand up and down her naked back soothingly and continuing to play with her hair, the peacefulness of the night settled in around us.

This had always been the routine after a long night of making love. Heavy breathing subsiding as we cuddled up with each other, clothes completely forgotten about, while talking and giggling about silly things until sleep finally took over. Since the very first time, it had been like this and I wouldn't want it any other way.

But recently, I couldn't help but let my mind wonder to the same constant thought as I held Y/N in the bed where we confess our deep for each other in the room that was filled with our moans of intense pleasure just moments ago.

Would this time finally be it?

The ache of pain in my heart returned as the thought crossed my mind. Too many times have we overthought our every move in hopes that the pregnancy test would read as positive.

Over the last ten months, Y/N and I had been to countless doctor appointments, taken multiple tests and held each other tightly as cries raked through our bodies when yet another test came back negative and our efforts hadn't worked again.

Our decision to finally start a family came not too long after Christmas when Y/N spent almost the whole day gushing over one of my younger cousins. The little girl took an immediate liking to Y/N and the two became practically inseparable. The sight melted my heart and I felt an overwhelming amount of love at the thought of our own child playing with the woman I loved more than anything.

It was right then, watching the love of my life smile brightly at the toddler in front of her, that I knew we were ready to start a family.

When we cuddled up in bed that night, full of Christmas cookies and pure happiness, the idea slipped past my lips in my sleepy state. Suddenly feeling a wave of nerves about the confession, Y/N was quick to hug me tightly and instantly agreed, saying she wanted nothing more than a family with me.

But the following months haven't been so dreamy. It wasn't a focus at first; just making love with no restrictions and it was beyond amazing. But when Y/N got worried one night about something being wrong, the fact that we've been trying for months without one single sign, we went to the doctor. And since then, the thought was always in the back of our minds.

A soft, content sigh escaped past Y/N's lips as she snuggled impossibly closer to me. I couldn't help the smile tugging at my lips and instantly, leaned down to leave several sweet kisses on her forehead. And even though I didn't want to break the bubble of undeniable happiness around us, I couldn't avoid the pressing question anymore.

"Hey, love?" My voice was quiet but slightly raspy as my words cut through the comfortable silence.

"Hmm?" Y/N hummed back in response, kissing my chest again before looking up at me a little. Immediately spotting the worried look on my face, she leaned up, her eyes full of concern. "What's wrong, baby? Is everything okay? Am I hurting you or something? I can lay next to you if that's-"

"D-do think this time will be the one?" The question cut through all of Y/N's anxious rambling and she stilled for a moment, a hint of sadness creeping into her facial expression.

"Oh, Shawn." She breathed out quietly, tears pooling in the corners of her gorgeous eyes. Reaching up, she gently ran a hand through my curls and pressed her lips against mine in a soft kiss full of nothing but love. "I can only hope that is this it. I'm so sorry it's been so hard and trust me, the only thing I want is for this dream of ours to come true but I hate disappointing you like this every time." Y/N admitted, her tears falling freely and the sight broke my heart.

"No, no, no, sweetheart. It's been tough and we've been through heartbreak after heartbreak but don't ever think you're disappointing me, please. We're in this together okay? And you could never let me down. You're the strongest woman I know and I'm lucky enough to be in love with you." I began, my voice cracking with emotion as I delicately cupped Y/N's cheeks in my hands and rubbed her tears away with the pads of my thumbs.

"I know we want a family now but whenever a test shows up positive, I promise you that this will all be worth it. Just thinking about it makes me extremely excited." I spoke while a soft smile blossomed on my face as Y/N mimicked my action, her lips pulling up into the sweet smile I loved so much. "It's just a bump in the road and everything will be okay, I promise. No matter what, I love you so much." I continued softly, each word full of genuine emotion.

Without a moment of hesitation, Y/N closed the small space between us with a warm kiss that said all of her unspoken words. The familiar feeling of comfort and being at home enveloped us as our lips moved in sync with each other, pure magic in the simple action.

"I love you too, Shawn, so much. You have no idea. Thank you for everything. I couldn't do any of this without you." Y/N whispered, cupping my cheeks in her small hands before pressing a long kiss to my forehead. The feeling of pure love rushed through my veins and I knew in that moment, that everything would really be alright.

No matter how long it took, I knew it was worth the wait for the little blessing of baby who was going to completely change our lives.


my heart omg it hurts🥺. this one was so soft but tugged at my heartstrings so much. also, Shawn plays his first ever stadium show in just THREE days & I can't believe how proud I am?? it's insane how far he's come in just a few years & I'm extra emotional about it, cry with me please.

requests are still closed for now! I have SO MANY of my own ideas I want to write first (otherwise I might literally explode if I don't) but as soon as requests are open again, I'll let you know. thank you for your patience!

vote, comment & share!! thank youu xx

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