Part Of Our Family

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a/n: this is for @AshleeFrederick! thank you for the request and I hope you love it!

The bed was empty. His side cold and the sheets tousled as if he had been in a rush to get up. Early morning sunlight drifted in through the floor-to-ceiling windows across the room that gave a perfect view of Toronto right from the comfort of the bed.

A soft sigh escaped my lips as I instinctively cuddled further under the blankets, trying to make up for the lost warmth of Shawn's body. Groggily, I tried to rack my brain to remember if he had told me about leaving early for work this morning but couldn't remember him mentioning anything.

Then, just as my eyes were fluttering closed with sleep again, a cheery voice broke through the peacefulness of the morning.

"Mommy! Wake up! Wake up!" Sky yelled happily, her tiny body crawling up into the big bed to jump up and down on the mattress. Her hazel eyes, which she inherited from Shawn along with his signature messy chocolate curls, were shining brightly as the widest smile bloomed on her lips when she noticed my eyes were open. "Mommyyy," She whined, placing her small hands on my shoulders before lightly shaking me. "Get up! We have a surprise for you!"

"Good morning to you too Sky," I giggled softly, sitting up and immediately enveloped the little girl in a tight hug. Sky's smile grew even bigger if it was possible and her sweet laughter filled the room.

"Happy birthday Mommy!" Sky said excitedly, putting her palms on my cheeks and squishing them for a moment before leaving a little kiss on my lips. She had learned how to mimic Shawn's actions and because he kissed me every chance he could, she wanted to do the same.

"Thank you sweetie." I replied, kissing her forehead before holding her close again. "Where's Daddy and what's this surprise you have?" The question fell off my lips curiously. My eyes left Sky's gentle gaze and I spotted Shawn leaning against the bedroom doorframe, his arms crossed over his bare chest as he looked on at the scene unfolding in front of him.

"Hi sweetheart," Shawn whispered softly and hearing those familiar words in his voice practically made me melt. "Happy birthday and good morning." He said with an adorable smile which portrayed his pure happiness as he crossed the room to sit on the bed with Sky and I.

"Hey love. Thank you," I smiled in return as Shawn settled in next to me and I didn't hesitate a second to close the small space between our bodies with a tender kiss. His lips were warm and he tasted like mint as always. The feeling of home surrounded us as Shawn pulled me a little closer to him, pouring every ounce of love and adoration into the simple action. Our lips moved in sync for only a few seconds but it was magical.

"Ha Daddy, I already gave Mommy a kiss. You're such a slow poke." Sky teased when we pulled away, sticking her little tongue out at Shawn which made him giggle, a sound I still fall in love with every time I hear it.

"That's okay. Mommy deserves all the kisses in the world so I'm gonna give her a few extra." Shawn said cheekily before he pecked my lips several times, the kiss conveying nothing but love.

The familiar feeling of pure happiness and being at home bubbled up in my chest as my heart swelled. Kissing Shawn never got old and living this life I was blessed with, amazed me everyday.

Shawn slowly pulled away, breaking the kiss, and a sweet smile was plastered across his face. His beautiful caramel colored eyes glistened with adoration as he met my gaze, making my heart skip a beat.

Suddenly, just as Shawn and I were getting a little lost in each other with the loving eye contact and subtle but delicate touches on each other's skin, Sky piped up again.

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