Coffee Kisses

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Shawn's POV

The soft sunlight peeked through the large windows opposite the king size bed, illuminating the whole bedroom is a beautiful, golden light. The fresh set of white sheets were wrapped around my body and as my eyes fluttered open, I caught a glipse of the gorgeous girl sleeping next to me. A small smiling tugged at my lips as I reached up with one of my hands to rub the drowsiness out of my eyes. Y/N's head was resting on my chest, her arms around my torso and my arms around her body, pulling her in close against me. Her hair was mussed with sleep but still fell perfectly around her shoulders. She was wearing one of my tshirts, something I loved so much and her breathing remained even as I leaned down to press a gentle kiss to the top of her head.

Mornings have become my favorite part of the day. Waking up next to the love of my life always made my heart warm and happy. It was so peaceful to open my eyes to the sun with the girl of my dreams in my arms. I wanted to cherish these moments forever. Just me, Y/N and nothing else. On days where I wake up earlier than her, my fingers always played with her hair while the sunlight danced gracefully across her face and she snuggled in closer to me. Even after four years together, waking up next to her every morning never gets old.

Pulling my fingers from Y/N's hair and pressing a sweet kiss to her forehead, I carefully slid her out of my arms so I was able to get out of bed. Y/N stirred slightly, immediately looking for me but settled down when she got comfortable again. I reached for a black tshirt and tugged it over my head with a wide smile plastered on my face as I took one last look at Y/N. Inching quietly over to the bedroom door, I escaped into the hallway and let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

I started down the carpeted staircase and ran my hand through my messy curls a few times before I reached the bottom. The sun was filling the livingroom as well and when I entered the kitchen, the skyline glittered in the bright light. A yawn escaped my lips just as I pressed the power button on the coffee maker that occupied one corner of the kitchen corner and then setting the kettle on the stove top for my cup of tea. Reaching up to the cabinet above, I pulled two mugs down, one for Y/N and one for me. I caught myself humming quietly as the coffee machine whirred to life and began making the perfect cup for my girlfriend. Although I'm not a coffee person at all, I memorized every little detail about how Y/N liked her coffee in the first two months we were dating. The warm scent of fresh coffee filled the kitchen as I removed the kettle from the hot stove, poured the water in my mug and delicately placed the tea bag in the water.

Just as the hot coffee finished filling Y/N's cup while I reached for the milk and proper scoops of sugar for her liking, I heard my name. "Shawn?" Y/N's voice floated down the staircase while I mixed the milk and sugar together in her coffee. I lifted my eyes from the mug and in seconds, Y/N was standing at the bottom of the staircase, her eyes sleepy but a fond smile was spread across her lips. "Hi bud," she said softly, crossing the room to where I was standing. "What are you doing?"

I gently pushed her mug of coffee into her hands before leaning in to kiss her sweetly. Instantly, my heart began to race and sparks flew through my skin wherever I touched her while our lips moved in sync with each other. "Goodmorning beautiful," I whispered against her lips when we pulled away breathless, love dancing in her eyes as she leaned her forehead against mine.

"Goodmorning handsome. You made me coffee?" Y/N asked, pulling away and looking down at her mug before her eyes met mine again. I nodded enthusiastically, my curls falling over my forehead.

"Just the way you like it baby." I answered happily, my hands landing on her hips and I began to rub small circles through the fabric of my shirt that she was wearing. Suddenly, Y/N leaned up on her tiptoes and pressed a small kiss to my nose and then my cheeks.

"You didn't have to love." She mumbled with a chuckle before taking a seat on one of the stools that sat around the kitchen island and then took a long sip of the hot drink. I returned to my mug, pulling the tea bag out of the hot water and tossing it in the garbage before taking a sip. Holding my hot mug delicately, I stood between Y/N's legs and kissed her forehead once again.

"It's okay, I wanted to. It's become part of my morning routine to make coffee for you." I smiled before lifting my mug to my lips again. Y/N was silent for a few seconds but soon I felt her hand tugging at the bottom of my tshirt. My eyebrows shot up playfully, my eyes meeting hers through a few stray curls that fell onto my forehead and the mug still to my lips. "Baby, it's a little early but if you want to," I trailed off with a chuckle, placing the mug back on the counter.

"Ohmygod Shawn! Are you kidding me?" She teasingly swatted my chest as the adorable giggle that I loved so much filled the room. "I just wanted a kiss!" Y/N exclaimed, shaking her head as my facial expression immediately changed, my mouth forming an 'oh' shape with realization.

"How was I supposed to know that?" I laughed, throwing my hands up and letting them fall back to my sides as Y/N cracked up in front of me.

"I can't believe you got 'Oh she definitely wants to have sex right now because she's tugging at my shirt!' from that!" Y/N spoke between laughs, trying to catch her breath. "You are something else," My smile grew wider by the second as I memorized every detail about this moment. The way the corners of Y/N's eyes crinkled from the large smile that was plastered on her lips. How amazing she looked wearing just my tshirt and still lightly grasping her mug of coffee that rested on the counter. Her hair flowed over her shoulders perfectly and her eyes were filled with nothing but love and adoration.

"Whatever babe," I rolled my eyes jokingly, my heart soaring with happiness as my cheeks began to hurt from smiling so hard. Just as I carefully grabbed the mug from the counter again, my eyes still on Y/N, I felt her hand tugging at my shirt again, harder this time. Barely getting the mug back on the counter in time, Y/N wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me in even closer to her.

"I love you. So much. You have no idea." She whispered quietly against my lips before closing the small space between us and melting into me. My body was instantly electrified at her touch and the feeling of home washed over me. Smiling into the kiss, I deepened it, pouring the passion and love from my heart into the kiss. She tasted like a mix of coffee, mint and love. Her hands slowly began travelling down my back as she leaned further into me, like she couldn't get enough. Gently pulling away, Y/N smiled shyly and met my gaze.

"I love you too babygirl. Your coffee kisses in the morning are my favorite and this is all I want for the rest of my life." My voice was soft as I watched her eyes glitter in the morning sunlight. God, she was breathtaking.

"You can have my coffee kisses for the rest of your life because I want to give them to you forever." She chuckled lightly, wrapping her arms around my torso and resting her head on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and delicately ran my fingers through her hair before leaving a gentle kiss on the top of her head. My heart was so full just holding her in my arms. The love of my life. This was all I wanted for forever.


MY HEART!!!! This is all I want and this is just SO cute. ALSO, let's talk about this picture!! He looks so cuddly & adorable & sleepy & I just love him so much UGH.

Requests are always open! Please don't hesitate to send an idea or request my way, I love writing them! So send me anything you've got!

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Shawn Mendes Imagines !!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon