Button Ups & A Baby Bump

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The studio session had run longer than expected and the whole time Shawn was just itching to get home to you. Everyone could tell when he got antsy, playing random chords on the guitar and getting distracted every few moments, that his mind on one thing and one thing only.

His absolutely beautiful wife who was pregnant with his child.

Every since Shawn had found out about the pregnancy, he had been happier than ever and even more obsessed with you and your growing baby bump. He didn't think he could fall more in love with you but when you broke the news to him, tears sprung to his eyes and he held you so close while giving you a million kisses in hopes of properly portraying his emotions.

Now, you were in the fifth month and the bump was more than evident. Shawn would spend most nights with his head resting on your chest, hand splayed across your stomach as he spoke to the little baby he already loved so much. He simply couldn't believe he was going to be a dad and was completely amazed by the fact that there was a baby growing inside of you.

So when the team called it a day, bringing the studio session to a close, Shawn practically sprinted out to the Jeep. Every minute seemed to drag on as he got closer and closer to home, the city passing by outside the windows.

After what seemed like forever, he was finally twisting his key in the front door and quietly stepping into the house, careful to not make noise that would wake you if you were taking a nap.

A huge wave of relief washed over his body as the comfort of home enveloped him. He always found the studio a relaxing place but today he just couldn't focus, only wanting to be back with the person he loved the most.

Shawn unzipped his boots before sliding out of them and placing them next to the door like always and dropped his keys on the small table in the entry way. Just as he took his wallet out of his back pocket, Shawn became aware of the soft voice of Ed Sheeran that was floating through the air. Which meant only one thing.

You were reading.

Immediately a smile tugged at the corners of Shawn's lips at the thought of finding you all cuddled up with a book. Over the years, he's come home to the beautiful sight countless times and it never got old. It always reminded him how lucky he was to not only love you every day, but to spend the rest of his life with you.

Tiptoeing through the house, he took delicate steps towards the living room as the music grew just a bit louder the closer he got. A giddy grin was permanently stuck on his face and he hadn't even seen you yet, but just the thought made love rush through his veins.

Quietly rounding the corner, Shawn entered the living room and a small gasp escaped his lips when his eyes fell upon the scene in front of him.

There you were laying on the couch, back pressed against the armrest with a book gently resting atop your ever growing belly as you flipped the pages while you read. But that wasn't all that made him gawk in utter awe.

Shawn immediately recognized the black and white plaid button up shirt that he had worn only a few times for meet and greets on the South American leg of his last tour. It the only piece of clothing adorning your body, barely covering up your lacy bralette and matching pair of panties since it was completely unbuttoned. You looked absolutely stunning wearing just the bare minimum and finding you in his clothes was still one of his favorite things.

His breath hitched as Shawn let his eyes take you all in and the sight of your baby bump peeking out from behind he fabric of his shirt practically made his heart explode.

You were completely engrossed in the novel, not taking notice of Shawn at all, giving him time to admire you. A small smile blossomed on your lips as you read another line on the page and Shawn could physically feel his heart soar. He knew he had gotten lucky with you but it was moments like this that reminded him how amazing his life really was.

He simply couldn't believe he got to come to you everyday and now, seeing how insanely beautiful you were, the realization really hit him that he was married to the love of his life and becoming a dad in a couple months.

Absentmindedly, your fingers danced across the bare skin of your round stomach as you concentrated on reading. Music filled the room and Shawn just simply couldn't get enough of you.

"God, you're so beautiful." Shawn whispered quietly under his breath, his soft smile growing with each passing second. You heard the faint words tumble from your husband's lips, making your eyes flicker up from the book to look at him.

"Shawn?" You question, marking your page and your free hand stopped moving, instead splaying across your belly. "What're you doing home so early?"

"We went a little longer than planned and I couldn't focus." Shawn admitted bashfully, his cheeks flushing pink with blush as he took quick strides towards you. But his hip bumped into the couch, causing him to trip over his socked feet and he practically collapsed on top of you. A loud giggle escaped his lips and you laughed along with him, placing your small hands on his broad shoulders as he closed the small space with a tender kiss.

Breaking away from the affectionate action, he settled in on the floor where he stumbled, intertwining his fingers with yours and pressing a kiss to each knuckle.

Almost instantly, his other hand went right to the baby bump. The warm feeling of pure love spread through his veins just at the subtle touch of your smooth, stretched skin under his.

"You look so beautiful, sweetheart." He repeated sweetly, each word dripping in pure adoration while he drew light shapes on your belly and locked his gaze with yours. Even after six years together, his effect on you never wore off and you cheeks heated up with blush. "I love seeing you wear my clothes." Shawn continued, a look full of wonder and happiness painted across his face.

Your eyes widened when you remembered the only thing you were dressed in was Shawn's button up. Shawn almost laughed at your expression, but he was still in complete awe of you.

"None of my clothes fit anymore so I was looking in your closest and I found this shirt. It's really comfy and oversized enough for the baby bump. Hope you don't mind that I stole it." You explain sheepishly, cheeks becoming rosy as your free hand came to rest on top of Shawn's on your stomach.

Quickly, Shawn shook his head, making his messy curls fall over his forehead. A loving smile blossomed on his lips before he leaned in to kiss you deeply. His soft lips moved with yours for a moment and the rest of the world seemed to disappear.

Gently pulling away and pressing a light kiss to your forehead, Shawn's beautiful hazel eyes met yours. Admiration was evident in his gaze and he swore he had never been more in love than right now.

"I don't mind one bit. Not only do you look breathtaking but I'll never get used to seeing your belly. Our baby's in there, love. I still can't believe that." Shawn sighed happily, kissing the baby bump as delicately as possible. "This shirt just gives me more of an excuse to love on you and your growing baby bump. Just take all my button ups if this is what I get to come home to everyday." He said with a giggle, sending your heart into a frenzy.

"I love you," You mumbled quietly, unable to find anything else to properly express your feelings for the man you adored. Shawn's smile reached his eyes, nothing but joy radiating off of him, and you couldn't believe how lucky you were.

"I love you so much more." Shawn whispered fondly, pecking your lips again before moving to your rounded belly. "And I love you too, peanut." He spoke to the unborn baby who already had all his love.

With his large, tattooed hand on your baby bump and eyes looking at the woman of his dreams, Shawn knew he had it all and he couldn't be any happier.


i absolutely ADORED writing this one & i hope you love it as much as i do! dad!shawn always gets me & this whole thing just melts my heart over & over again.

just wanna say thank you again for all the love, you are all seriously the best & i see all your comments, votes, messages, everything & it makes my day. so thank you!

vote, comment & share!! thank youu xx

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