Plane Rides & Sleepy Strangers

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The plane was already crowded as I shuffled forward in line towards my seat. The windows were dark with the night sky, waiting for the sun to rise and bring brightness. Soft mumbling filled the cabin as passengers ahead of me stashed their carry on bags over their heads in the compartments. Clutching my passport and ticket in my hand, my eyes moved over every detail of the plane until finally an empty row was on my left and my beautiful window seat was inches away.

Claiming my spot and sliding my backpack under my seat, I carefully placed my passport and ticket inside my bag before connecting my headphones to my phone. I looked outside the window and watched as planes landed and took off across the runaways that stretched out ahead of us. No matter how many times I flew, the window seat never got old and I made sure it was always my spot on the plane.

Completely oblivious to my surroundings, I barely acknowledged the movement in the seat next to me meaning that my neighbor for the trip had found their spot. Pulling my focus away from the lights on the dark surroundings outside of the plane, I glanced over at whoever was sitting next to me and a small, almost inaudible gasp escaped my lips.

It was a cute, handsome, adorable, and cheeky boy around my age. A lopsided boyish smile sat on his lips and messy brown curls fell over his forehead perfectly. His lips were pink and his cheeks were extremely rosy and when his beautiful caramel eyes met mine, I swear my heart stopped. There was a small scar on one of his cheeks and I noticed an intricate tattoo of a bird on his right hand. He was wearing a gray hoodie, black sweatpants and a pair of Adidas sneakers, pulling off the lazy day look effortlessly.

Everything about him made my heart skip beats and sent a warm, fuzzy feeling through my body.

Great. Not only was it 5 am and I had a twenty-one hour flight ahead of me with a layover but the cutest boy in the entire world was sitting next to me.

Breaking eye contact, I started fiddling around with my phone to distract myself until the flight attendant's calm voice came over the intercom to read the safety precautions and protocols. Slowly buckling my seat belt in, the boy next to me did the same as he listened intently to the instructions.

Something about him tugged at my heartstrings. I wanted to know his story. Why was he flying from Toronto to Sydney on the earliest flight possible? Why did he choose the middle seat? What was his name? A million questions bounced around in my mind as I tried to focus on the words filling the cabin.

"Our layover is in Los Angeles but until then settle in folks! We have a long flight ahead of us so get to know your neighbor. Enjoy your flight!" The flight attendant's cheery voice clicked off the intercom, leaving the cabin silent again as the plane slowly started moving towards the runway. Switching my phone into airplane mode, I was just about to look out the window when he spoke.

"Hi, I'm Shawn." The boy took the flight attendant's advice and introduced himself, his voice slightly nervous but his bright smile didn't falter. Even his voice was attractive. It was smooth like honey but just so perfect that you could listen to him talk for hours. I couldn't help the soft smile that was stretching across my lips.

"Hey, I'm Y/N." I replied quietly, realizing almost no one around us was speaking. It was still insanely early so I couldn't blame them for wanting to sleep on the flight. "Nice to meet you,"

"Y/N. That's such a pretty name. It's nice to meet you too!" Shawn exclaimed excitedly in a hush and I instantly felt my cheeks heat up with blush at his compliment.

"Thank you," My voice was soft but Shawn picked up every word I said. His eyes were dancing gorgeously with a look of adoration and his breathtaking smile was plastered across his face. "So what brings you to this flight to Sydney so early in the morning?" I asked curiously, hoping the adorable stranger would open up.

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