Lazy Days

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Shawn's POV

The golden sunlight filled the bedroom as Toronto awoke for another busy but chilly morning. My eyes fluttered open and immediately, my mind processed my surroundings. Y/N was still asleep peacefully in my arms, her chest rising with her even breaths as her head laid gently on my chest. A soft smile bloomed on my lips at the sight of how beautiful she looked without even knowing it. Even after almost four years together, I never got tired of waking up next to her. Careful not to wake her, I began gently playing with her hair, memorizing every detail of the moment before gently sliding my arm out from underneath her. Sitting up in bed and leaning back on one of my arms, I looked out of the large windows that put the gorgeous skyline on display. Gray clouds were moving in over the sun, most likely promising snow later in the day and an idea popped into my head.

"Baby?" Y/N mumbled stirring slightly, her hand finding mine in my lap as she opened her eyes. Instantly, a smile tugged at the corners of my lips as I leaned over and pressed a sweet kiss to Y/N's lips before laying back down and pulling her close to my body.

"Goodmorning sweetheart," My voice was quiet but filled with love as Y/N snuggled into me, her eyes dancing happily in the sunlight peeking out from the clouds. "Did you sleep okay?" I asked, earning a small nod in response against my chest while she began tracing small circles against the fabric of my tshirt. A comfortable silence fell over the room as we both admired the view of the city for a moment before our eyes met.

"What are you thinking about?" Y/N asked sleepily, running her hands through my messy curls the way I loved so much. Closing my eyes briefly at her touch, I shrugged as my lips pulled up into a smile.

"Let's not do anything today." I stated simply, hoping she'd agree. Lately, everyday has been filled to the brim with running around and we both needed a day full of relaxing. Instantly, Y/N smiled with a light nod. 

"I would love that," she whispered before leaning up to kiss me softly. Losing myself in the kiss, it seemed like the whole world had fallen away and it was just us. When we both pulled away breathless, our gaze met and Y/N's eyes were glistening in the fading sunlight. Suddenly, breaking the moment, Y/N threw the blankets off of her and jumped out of bed excitedly. My eyes travelled up and down her body, the gray tshirt of mine that she was wearing ending at mid-thigh. She crossed her arms with a smirk pulling at the corners of her pink lips. "Shawn! Stop staring ohmygod. C'mon." Y/N rolled her eyes while trying to keep her tone serious but just a second later, her sweet laugh filled the room. She leaned forward and grabbed my hands pulling me out of the bed, my smile wide.

Practically skipping down the stairs, Y/N arrived in the kitchen and put the kettle on to make tea for the two of us. Hopping up to sit on the counter, she connected her phone to the bluetooth speaker, filling the kitchen with her favorite playlist. Unable to wipe the smile off my face, I stood between her legs and wrapped my arms around her body before leaving a warm, lingering kiss on her forehead. My heart swelled with happiness at just the simple scene unfolding around us. If everyday of my life was like this, I would be the happiest man alive. The kettle began whistling and slowly I pulled away from Y/N, trailing my right hand down her bare thigh.

Pouring us both a cup of tea, I turned the stove off and gently pushed the hot mug in Y/N's hands. "Thank you love," she whispered, kissing my cheek before taking a sip of her tea. Placing a kiss on her cheek in return, I raised the mug to my lips keeping my eyes locked on hers. "So what do you wanna do today?" Y/N asked curiously, running her hand up and down my arm lovingly.

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