Birthday Surprise

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a/n: this is for @shelbyroseg! thank you for the request & I hope you love it! also, just pretend  the Vancouver show is on Shawn's birthday for this imagine, enjoy!

There he was. The love of my life, my soulmate, my boyfriend. There he was on that huge stage rocking out with thousands of people and having the time of his life. The crowd was wild tonight, screams filled the air between the loud yelling of lyrics to each of Shawn's songs. Beautiful lights changed along with the songs and the energy in the arena was truly crazy. Out of all the shows where I had been backstage, I had never heard a crowd this loud and insane.

And the best part was, Shawn had no idea I was here.

Months ago, Andrew and I had planned out every little detail of surprising Shawn at his Vancouver show because it happened to be on his birthday. I refused to miss it and after the idea popped into my head, I had to make it a reality. And now I was standing backstage, watching Shawn perform for his fans once again.

My heart was racing as I watched Shawn back up from the microphone to dance around a little and play the acoustic guitar with so much passion, it was incredible. Every one of his shows were different, no two were alike which made each night special. Tonight though, Shawn was in for a really big surprise.

"Y/N! Are you ready?" Andrew asked excitedly, walking towards me. Practically Shawn's entire team knew I was coming tonight and I was surprised no one spilled the secret. With a quick nod and a confident smile, I tried to shake the nervousness coursing through my veins at what I was going to do.

"Yeah but I'm nervous for some reason? There's so many people out there," I laughed and just as Andrew stood next to me, about to speak again, I heard Alessia's familair voice ring through the hallway.

"Y/N?? You're here?!" she yells hushedly, instantly recognizing the situation. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" Alessia asked as she pulled me in for a tight hug. The moment Shawn introduced the two of us, we immediately became best friends. She was simply the sweetest person I had met and our tour adventures quickly became one of my favorite parts about being on the road with Shawn.

"It's a surprise!" I shrugged which made Alessia giggle. "But I'm so glad to see you again! I missed you," my voice was almost lost under the uproar of screams from the crowd as Shawn played the intro to "Mutual".

"I've missed you too! Not as much as Shawn though. He's gonna be so happy you're here Y/N ohmygod. He hasn't stopped talking about you since you left," Alessia chuckled, her smile growing as she peeked out on stage before meeting my gaze. "For real, he's gonna flip. Like he's probably gonna cry,"

"Let's hope not because then I'll start crying," I shook my head with a laugh as I crossed my arms and intently watched Shawn sing with the crowd. He owned the entire stage, moving around while shredding the guitar perfectly for each song. No matter how many times I saw him perform, I never got tired of watching him. He was unbelievable and even after two and a half years, his performances became more and more magical.

The lights faded down suddenly and quickly, I stood behind Andrew and Alessia as Shawn ran off stage. He handed off his guitar to someone before smiling widely at Andrew and running around the edges of the floor seats to get to the B stage. Letting out a deep breath, I swallowed all my nerves at the reality of what was happening.

"Come with me," I whispered to Alessia before I turned to Andrew in reassurance I would be back with enough time for my plan. Hurrying down the hallway that led to the family room that Shawn always had backstage, I opened the door and spotted the bouquet of sunflowers I had Brian stash in here right after Shawn went on stage.

Sunflowers were my favorite flowers and whenever Shawn was on tour, he would send bouquets of all sizes home for me so now it was my turn to surprise him with the bright flowers. "Okay, I'm not at all ready for this." My admittance was full of uncertainty and Alessia shook her head.

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