Backstage Love

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a/n: this is for @MomentsbyG! thank you for the request & I hope you love it!

The arena was buzzing and the sheer energy from thousands of people, coursed through my veins, making my excitement rise even further. A specially picked playlist that Shawn put together to play before every show was blasting through the speakers and fans all around me talked to their neighbors, posed for last minute pictures and danced along with the music.

Alessia's set had ended only a few minutes ago which meant Shawn would be out soon. Even though I had been on tour with Shawn for almost three months now, this was the very first show that I was actually experiencing from the crowd. The view from side stage was incredible but it certainly wasn't the same as sitting front row. A lot of people would kill for the spot I was standing in right now, front and center, an absolutely perfect view of Shawn.

Almost the entire team surrounded me and we all already had a few too many glasses of wine or beers. Brian and Geoff were standing to my left, laughing at some ridiculous joke. Josiah and Connor were both were being teased relentlessly by the guys as they positioned themselves in the perfect spot to capture the moment when Shawn walked on stage.

Between the overwhelming amount of anticipation and the alcohol that was coursing through my veins, I was buzzing. Seeing Shawn perform was always amazing but to be in the crowd tonight sent a new jolt of excitement through my body. I loved watching Shawn belt out the lyrics he wrote so perfectly and seeing him have the time of his life on stage; it never got old. A bright smile was on lips and my heart was full at just the thought.

Suddenly, Connor was right in front of me, his camera up to his face as he adjusted a lens before speaking.

"Y/N's in the crowd tonight for the first time ever!" He exclaimed cheerfully and almost instinctively, I waved at the camera. "How are you feeling?"

"Great!" I flashed a beaming smile as my eyes briefly wandered around the stage behind Connor. "Can't wait to see him up there soon," A rush of love coursed through my body and Connor nodded before panning the camera around to the huge stage.

Just as Connor moved back to his original position, the familiar notes of "Another One Bites The Dust" filled the arena and screams erupted. The fans knew this was the last song on the pre-show playlist that played before Shawn stepped on stage. Suddenly, Brian was next to me with his beer in the air while screaming out the lyrics. A giggle escaped my lips as I began dancing along and the girl next to me, Julia, who I had become friends with through Alessia's set, joined in.

The air was electric with excitement and happiness. Thousands of people had their eyes trained forward just waiting for the song to stop playing and the tour intro to light up the stage.

"Ready?" Julia yelled just before the entire arena was plunged into darkness, the lights turning off abruptly as the familiar music of the intro filled the air. The stage lights slowly came up and the beautiful designs danced across the giant circle screen.

Deafening screams filled my ears as the intro continued playing, beautiful colors crossing the stage and the wait for Shawn to walk out growing closer and closer. My heart was practically thumping out of my chest and I was surprised that no one around me was aware of it. Standing in the crowd made me feel like just another fan, not Shawn Mendes' girlfriend and the change excited me a bit.

Suddenly, a single white beam of light focused on the stairs where every night before this one, I had crouched with Shawn underneath the stage before giving him his usual good luck kiss. Brian cheered loudly at my side and the easily recognizable figure of the boy I loved so much became visable. Dressed in a sleeveless shirt with his guitar slung over his shoulder and his chocolate brown curls falling adorably over his forehead, it felt like all the wind was knocked out of me. Chills ran down my spine as Shawn slowly walked closer to the microphone stand and I couldn't stop the huge smile from blooming on my face.

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