Heart Searching For Heart

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a/n: this is for @Cycloneelle! thank you for the amazing idea & I hope you love it!

Shawn's POV

The familiar beep of the Jeep locking behind me sounded through the parking lot as I walked past rows of cars towards the grocery store. Brian had insisted that because I was the last one of the guys to arrive at his place, that made me the person who would run out to the store if we needed anything. And of course like always, I was sent out to grab two packages of Golden Oreos at Geoff's request.

It took me about twenty minutes to find the store because despite how many times I went over Brian's, I never remembered where anything was around his apartment. But somehow, I was always the unlucky one who had to make food runs for everyone.

Sliding my phone into my back pocket, I walked through the sliding glass doors and noticed the aisles were particularly busy for a Friday afternoon. The store was cool, a complete opposite of the warm spring air outside. Knowing that I was going to get a text from one of the guys to pick something else up, I grabbed a blue basket and started weaving through the aisles.

The goal was to get in and out of the store as fast as possible. I hated shopping which was half the reason the guys always sent me out when we were all hanging out. Nothing about waiting in line for checkout and maneuvering through crowded spaces to pick up items you needed seemed like a good time to me. And once again, here I was.

Spotting the aisle that held the shelves that were neatly packed with endless amounts of different cookies, I turned the corner and looked for the familiar packaging of Oreos. I ran my hand through my curls as my gaze traveled over the colorful items on the shelf in front of me.

My phone dinged with an incoming text message and instinctively, I pulled it out of my pocket to find a text from Mike asking if I could grab a bag of Doritos. Quickly typing back that I would, my eyes returned to the shelf.

Easily finding the cookies, I grabbed two packages, holding them both in one hand. Suddenly while I was browsing over the other variations of Oreos just to make sure I had picked up enough, a soft voice spoke next to me.

"Um, hi." My head turned to my left and my gaze fell on an absolutely gorgeous girl who looked slightly distraught. Her voice was nervous and sweet but the sound of her words was almost like pure music. Her hair flowed over her shoulders and she had beautiful eyes that stole my breath away as a gentle but adorable smile pulled at the corners of her lips. Her cheeks were colored a deep pink with blush and a look of slight embarrassment and happiness crossed her face. She was just wearing jeans and a tshirt but she looked stunning and the longer I looked at her, the more I could feel butterflies flutter in my stomach.

I swear my heart stopped beating for a second and it felt the whole world stopped spinning. There was always a part of me that believed in love at first but until this very moment, I didn't actually think it would ever happen to me.

"Could you um- get something for me? I can't reach it." she asked shyly, her cheeks burning with an even deeper blush as she met my gaze. A light giggle escaped her lips and I instantly wanted to make her laugh again just so I could hear the beautiful sound again.

"Yeah, of course hun." I forced the words out of my mouth, trying to think straight and she smiled brightly at my response. "What is it?" As I spoke, she pointed up to the top shelf at a large box of vanilla Teddy Grahams.

"That box Teddy Grahams. I just can't reach them and you're tall so I figured I'd ask." she explained kindly, her eyes dancing with happiness. Suddenly, I was self conscious about everything. From my outfit, which was the usual black jeans, boots and tshirt, to how my hair looked. There was something about this girl that was different and I didn't wanna mess anything up.

Shawn Mendes Imagines !!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ