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The familiar sound of a FaceTime call coming in filled the empty bedroom. Quickly, I finished brushing my hair and rushed out of the bathroom to accept the call. Shawn, my boyfriend of three years, name was displayed across my phone's screen. I slid the green button to the right, accepting the call. Shawn's beautiful face appeared through the screen.

"Hi Y/N!! What's up babyyy?" Shawn excitedly said drawing out the 'y' as soon as the call connected.

"Hi love. How are you?" I asked sitting down on the freshly made bed.

"I'm okay but I would be even better if you were here," he mumbled watching you through the phone.

"Aw Shawn. We only have two more months apart, we can do it." I smiled sadly. "I really miss you too but before you know it, we will be back together." 

Shawn nodded, running his hand through his messy curls and a smile blossomed on his face at the thought of being home. He looked tired like he hadn't slept in a few days. His lips were pink and his eyes droopy like they always were before he fell asleep.

"Are you tired love? When was the last time you really slept?" I asked quietly. Shawn shook his head.

"No, no. I'm okay. It's been really busy lately but I've been trying to catch up on sleep, it's just hard. Without you here." Shawn murmured as he met your eyes through the phone.

"I love you Shawn. We'll see each other soon okay?" Shawn closed his eyes and nodded. 

"I love you too baby. So much. I'm gonna have to call you back later. I think Andrew is looking for me," Shawn chuckled before blowing you a kiss. I caught the kiss and placed my hand on my lips before we said goodbye and hung up.

I sighed before standing up from the bed. Quickly, I sent a text to Andrew about the plan for later. For months, I had been planning a surprise visit to Shawn on tour in London and it seemed like it was the perfect time to take action. Andrew had organized everything on his end. Making sure my plane landed in time, where security would be so Shawn didn't know where I was and he was the only one on Shawn's team that knew about the plan. My suitcase was all packed and ready to go waiting by the bedroom door. Shawn had no idea what was coming his way.

"Hey Andrew, my plane just landed at Heathrow. Just wanted to update you." I spoke into the phone as I walked into the airport.

"There should be a car waiting for you so just keep an eye out. Shawn is sleeping right now so I hardly doubt he'll be up when you get here but you never know. When you get here, text me so I can meet you outside," Andrew spoke through the phone.

"Okay, sounds like a plan." I smiled to myself before hanging up and heading to baggage claim. My suitcase came around the carousel just as I was checking my text messages. Shawn's name popped up multiple times as the service started to connect again. 

Shawn: hi baby

Shawn: I miss you

Shawn: I'm sleepy & wanna cuddle with you so bad

Shawn: can't wait to see you soon love

Shawn: you didn't answer your phone? I'm gonna take a nap so I'll call you later, I love you

I smiled to myself as I started walking towards the main airport doors. I texted Shawn back and quickly spotted the car Andrew told me about. The driver welcomed me and headed towards the O2 Arena where Shawn was playing later tonight. About ten minutes away from the arena, I unlocked my phone and called Shawn. The phone rang twice and then the call connected.

"Hello baby," Shawn's sleepy voice slurred through the phone. 

"Hi love," I answered. "Were you sleeping? I'm sorry I woke you up," 

"Mhmm but it's okay. I'm happy you called me. I missed you before," he mumbled.

"How was your nap?" I asked and noticed we were at the arena. Quickly, I put the call on speaker and texted Andrew I had arrived.

"Good. I definitely needed it before the show later. Are you going to watch later? I think there's another livestream but if not, I can have someone FaceTime you so you can watch," Shawn's voice becoming clearer as he became more awake. A smile bloomed on my face at the thought that he had no idea I would be there in person.

"Of course I'll watch the livestream! I love seeing you perform even if I'm not there," I said climbing out of the car meeting Andrew outside. I mouthed that Shawn was on the other end of the phone, Andrew nodded and lead me through the back enterance of the arena.

"Aw baby. Ya know, I always perform like a million times better when I know you're watching." he laughed and I couldn't help but smile at the laugh I've fallen in love with over and over. I followed Andrew through lengthy hallways and waved at people on Shawn's team.

"You know say that Shawn. You perform perfectly every single time and the O2 Arena is such an amazing place to play!" I said excitedly.

"Whatever you say baby. What are you up to?" Shawn asked innocently, having no idea where you actually were.

"I'm getting ready to go shopping ritght now. Maybe I'll show you what I end up buying?" I teased knowing what I could do to him. We rounded a corner and suddenly the hallway was a little crowded. People were hurrying all around, getting ready for the upcoming show. Andrew silenced the whole hallway with loud whispers so Shawn wouldn't become susipious of the sudden noise. 

"Babe, don't even mess around about that." Shawn said seriously with a nervous chuckle. 

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding. But I seriously can't wait to see you again," I dragged on, playing on a joke he had no idea about. Andrew was still leading the way through the hallway and finally, Shawn's dressing room door came into view. A security guard was standing at the door and Andrew looked back at you, waiting for the signal.

"Me either baby. You're going to get the biggest, tightest hug and the longest, most loving kiss ever. We can cuddle for hours and watch all your cheesy rom coms and all my shirts smell like me again so you can have them all because I miss seeing you wear my clothes. Ugh, god I miss you so much you have no idea." Shawn spoke, his voice laced with love and sadness.

I nodded my head, signaling the security guard ahead of me to knock on the door. As soon as he knocked, I rushed to stand in behind the door. "Hold on babe, someone's at the door." Shawn said almost matter-of-factly. 

"Oh really? Who is it?" I asked playfully as I heard the knob turn on the other side of the turn.

"I have no ide-" Shawn stopped mid-sentence when the door was fully open, his jaw dropped and his phone still held to his ear as he stared at you.

"Y/N!!! Ohmygod, ohmygod! You're here! You're actually here," Shawn yelled swooping you in for a large hug. His strong arms wrapped tightly around my body as I jumped into his arms. Shawn's messy curls flopped onto his forehead and his pink lips look beautiful with the huge smile he had on. His brown eyes were sparkling and filled with love as he searched your eyes. "I can't believe this," he whispered before placing a passionate kiss on my lips.

"Hi Shawn," I finally whispered when we pulled away from the kiss.

"Hey baby," Shawn smiled like a little kid before placing your feet back on the ground. "How'd you do this?" he asked in amazement, running his hand through his curls.

"I've had the idea for awhile but Andrew helped me pull it together. And it worked out perfectly because it seemed like a rough day when we talked earlier," I stated meeting his eyes.

"Wow. You're unbelievably perfect. I love you so much." Shawn murmured pulling me in for another tight hug, resting his head on mine. 

"I love you too Shawn. Now, where are those cuddles and tshirts you promised me?" I asked with a laugh. Shawn chuckled and intertwined your fingers together, leading you into the dressing room.

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