Laundromat Kisses

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The bright, familiar sign of the 24/7 laundromat lit up the darkness of the midnight sky. Like usual, the parking lot was empty since it was almost one in the morning and all the other stores in the strip mall were closed. All of Toronto seemed to be asleep except for the two of you.

Shawn was lugging out three laundry baskets from the back seat of the Jeep as you held open the door to the quiet laundromat. His biceps strained against the sleeves of his hoodie as he carried in the full baskets of blankets and sheets and then individual ones with each of your clothes. Each time he passed by, he pecked your lips before finally locking the car and grabbing your hand to pull you over to the washers.

For normal people, doing laundry in the middle of the night seemed odd but it was the easiest way to avoid making a big scene with Shawn being a worldwide pop star and easily recognizable. Besides that, you always pushed off doing laundry until the very last minute so it was also more convenient to use more than one washer when no one else was in the building.

A rerun of Friends was playing on the small TV mounted on the wall facing a line of chairs and the soft sound of a local radio station floated out from the speakers, setting an almost calming mood. Falling into the familiar rhythm, you began throwing the sheets and blankets into different washers while Shawn hummed along to the song playing and sorted the whites from colors.

For the last few months, the washer and dryer unit at Shawn's condo has been broken. It happened almost right after you moved in and with the craziness of his schedule, there wasn't much time to get the machines fixed.

So you introduced him to the laundromat and taught him all the tricks you had learned from doing your laundry like this for years because your apartment didn't have a hook up for a washer or dryer. Shawn was amazed to say the least and found the trips a little annoying at first, but he quickly grew to love them.

Which is why he still hasn't gotten the unit at his place fixed yet.

He cherished the simple moments with you and the nights at the laundromat were always his favorite. The way you precisely measured out the correct amount of detergent with a look of pure concentration on your face, how you always sat in the carriage just to insist that he pushed you around like a little kid and how you delicately folded the clothes with his help. Everything about being in the little laundromat with you made Shawn's heart swell with love.

"Hey bub, do you have the quarters?" You asked, turning away from the washer as you closed the door. Shawn quickly pulled the small plastic bag of coins out of his hoodie pocket to proudly hold it up with a beaming grin. "And you brought the detergent in?" Shawn lifted the orange bottle up from the counter on the opposite side of him to show you.

"Didn't forget anything this time, love. Even brought your book for the wait and your scrunchie because you always want to put your hair up on these trips." Shawn said matter-of-factly. You caught a glimpse of the yellow scrunchie on his wrist and the novel you had been reading recently on the counter next to the empty baskets.

"You really thought of everything, didn't you?"

"Only the best for my girl." Shawn replied, matching your sweet smile and kissing you deeply. You giggle against his lips for a moment before playfully pushing him away to finish putting all the laundry in the washers.

Double checking the settings on the machine, you turn to Shawn with a knowing look and hold your palm out. "Quarters. You're going down tonight, Mendes."

He quickly counted out exactly eight quarters for each of you and stood in front of the two washers he loaded. During the first trip to the laundromat, Shawn challenged you to a race in order to see who could put the quarters in the machines fastest. Since then, it became a little tradition between the two of you that you secretly loved.

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