Paparazzi Scare

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a/n: this is for @tilly109753! thank you for the request and I hope you love it!

Over the years, Shawn had learn how to deal with the millions of flashing lights and huge mobs of paparazzi. He even taught you how to hold onto his hand tightly and keep your head down just to weave through a crowd without giving in to the anxiety that comes with the situation.

It had become a routine and the two of you almost made it a game every time photographers caught you out in public. Whether it was making silly faces or posing on purpose, it always made Shawn giggle uncontrollably. But when it came to leaving a building where absolutely no room was left for him to walk without the pressure of hundreds of people closing in, it was a feeling Shawn hated more than anything.

He hated it even more when the first night the two of you went out for dinner and when you were ready to leave, the doors were swarmed with large black cameras as yells filled the air. With no back exit, he was forced to walk through the crowd, fingers intertwined with yours as he whispered encouraging words of love in hopes to calm you down.

But now, Shawn knew there was nothing worse than what was happening right now and he had never felt such a strong feeling of dislike towards anyone before.

It was meant to be a peaceful night out. The first time stepping out of the house as a new family and both you and Shawn were ecstatic. After months and months of filling out paperwork, going to meet and greets and figuring out how to adjust as parents, the sweetest little girl you had ever met became your daughter. Rose and all her three year old excitement immediately brightened up your life, making every waking moment of the day interesting.

Today was no exception. With the wonder of being in a brand new city like usual on Shawn's world tour, Rose couldn't have been happier about going out for dinner and then exploring.

But her beautiful smile and sweet giggles stopped abruptly when her eyes fell upon the large crowd outside the familiar entrance of the hotel. There hadn't been a single camera following you the whole night but when the car pulled up to the deafening yells, Rose quickly squeezed your hand tightly and her eyes immediately filled with tears.

"It's okay, pumpkin. They can't hurt you. I promise." You coo softly, brushing back her hair before planting a kiss on her forehead. A mix of worry and anger was painted across Shawn's perfect facial features and you could tell he was trying to figure out the best way out of this situation.

"Rose, sweetie, do you want me to carry you? I promise nothing will happen and you'll be safe." Shawn offered, his voice gentle and full of love. Rose instantly nodded, wrapping her tiny arms around Shawn as he held her against him. He pressed several warm kisses to the top of her head as his caramel colored eyes met mine.

The anxiety of dealing with the paparazzi was slowly creeping into my veins but this time because I was concerned about Rose. It was completely different when it was just Shawn and I, but now our little girl had to go through the terrifying experience.

"Baby, hold onto my hand tight okay? Just like always," Shawn whispered, noticing the fear displayed on my face. "It'll be okay. She'll be okay and so will we. This isn't anything we haven't done before." He said comfortingly, leaning over to peck my lips tenderly, the warmth of the kiss fighting against my nerves.

"I know. I just hate seeing her this upset." You confess sadly, trying to hold back your tears as you watch Rose clutch into Shawn for dear life as her whimpers fill the air.

My heart broke at the sight. It was inevitable that something like this would happen but it was Rose's first night out with you and Shawn which made it even worse.

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