Completely Unexpected

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a/n: this is for sohani1 ! thank you for the request & I hope you love it!

Shawn's POV

"Don't forget to pick me up tomorrow Shawn. I'm serious. Don't forget," Aaliyah said pointedly, her eyes meeting mine as she repeated her words over again, making sure they remained in my mind.

"I won't! Bea's right? At one like usual?" I double checked to which my little sister nodded.

"Yeah Bea's. And also don't worry about any boys or whatever you think is going to happen like you always do. Her older sister will be home tonight so I promise, it'll be fine." Aaliyah smiled, almost as if she was mocking me but I just shook my head.

"Okay Liyah, I got it. Have fun! I'll see you tomorrow," I waved as she opened the door with her duffel bag and pillow in tow. Rolling her eyes teasingly, she smiled widely before taking one step out the door.

"Don't forget Shawn! I swear to God if you do, I'll have to steal one of your guitars or something. I love you," Aaliyah exclaimed once more before her voice became soft.

"I love you too chica. Now seriously, go!" I encouraged knowing Bea's parents were waiting outside. With a little laugh, she headed outside and hopped into the car, ready to spend a fun night with her friend.

Little did Aaliyah know the last time I "forgot" to pick her up from Bea's was because her older sister, Y/N, was home then too.

Aaliyah had known Bea for years, since elementary school. She quickly became one of Aaliyah's best friends and they did almost everything together. Played on the same hockey team, had an unimaginable amount of sleepovers, and always spent their birthdays together. One day, when Bea was staying over at our house, her older sister dropped her off and that was the first time I met Y/N.

She was beautiful in her very own way. Most guys wouldn't think she's drop dead gorgeous but she kills me every time I see her. She was the same age as me and ironically, her younger sister was the same age as Aaliyah which brought us all together. Because our younger sisters hang out often, we got to know each other better but each time I talked to her, my heart seized and I became insanely nervous.

There was something about her that made my heart skip beats and butterflies erupt in my stomach.

Her smile was always warm and welcoming while her eyes constantly sparkled with a sense of excitement. She fully embraced every aspect of life with a positive mindset and laughed whenever possible, the sweet sound immediately brightening the room she was in. Y/N was the kind of girl that made you love every single thing around you just because she found the pure beauty in everything. Her soul was golden and I had simply never met anyone else like her. Just looking at her filled my heart with the giddy feeling of love and there have been countless amount of times when I wish I had just swallowed my fears and made a move. 

Knowing there was no way out of picking Aaliyah up tomorrow morning, I took a deep breath and focused on the movie on TV. As much as I underestimated Aaliyah, I had feeling she knew about my feelings for Y/N. Girls can sense that kind of stuff and my younger sister was certainly no exception. She could always tell when something was wrong or when I was trying to hide my excitement about something which meant Aaliyah wasn't just my little sister, she was also my best friend. I loved that about our relationship but if Aaliyah figured this out, she could spill her suspicion to Bea and ruin everything.

Why couldn't I just ask Y/N out? What was stopping me?

Groaning out of annoyance, I pulled a warm blanket over me and settled in for a long night full of my favorite movies. I sent a quick text to my mum to let her know Aaliyah left before opening Instagram and scrolling through my feed. Liking a few pictures and videos some fans posted, a smile grew on my lips. Even though I loved being home more than anything, I was itching to get back on tour. After closing the app, I locked my phone and snuggled into the blanket, slowly drifting off to sleep as I watched a rom com for the hundredth time.

Shawn Mendes Imagines !!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें