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"Shawn?" I called out into my boyfriend's seemingly empty condo. "Are you home?" The door clicked shut behind me, leaving me in the quiet living room. "Baby?" I asked again suddenly hearing a thundering noise from the staircase. In seconds, the tall, curly headed brunette boy was standing in front of me with a sheepish smile on his lips.

"Hi princess! Sorry, I didn't hear you come in." He said rushed as his eyes wandered across my body. "Ohmygod baby, what happened to you??" Shawn asked taking in the sight of my soaked outfit and dripping hair from the rainstorm I got caught in moments ago.

"It uh, started to down pour on my way over here. This is just from my car to the door to your building." I laughed at how ridiculous I must look and met Shawn's eyes as I dropped my arms to my sides. "Sorry,"

"Why are you apologizing baby? We need to get you out of the clothes immediately or you'll get sick!" Shawn exclaimed now in full on care mode. Reaching for my hand, I intertwined my fingers with his and slipped my wet Adidas sneakers off.

"Shawn, I'm literally soaked. I can't walk through your apartment like this," a chuckle left my lips as I spoke. Shawn shook his head almost in disbelief and bit his bottom lip.

"It's okay, that's the least of my worries right now. I only care about getting you all cozy," he explained, leading me towards the staircase. Each one of my steps squished against the soft carpet down the hallway to Shawn's bedroom. He pushed the door open and the beautiful view of Toronto was on full display from his bed. It took my breath away every time.

"Alright," Shawn mumbled as he let go of my hand and immediately took long strides toward the connected bathroom. Returning to the room with a large towel, he gently wrapped it around my shoulders. "You get dried off while I grab your clothes, sound good?" Shawn asked pressing a small but loving kiss to my lips as I nodded. He headed towards his dresser still on a mission. He carefully pulled open the top drawer, pulling out the collection of clothes that has started to collect at Shawn's apartment. Shawn laid out a pair of my sweatpants, a sports bra, a pair of panties, fuzzy socks and settled on one of his tshirts for my top instead.

I glanced over at him while wringing my hair of the water and noticed the distraught look on his gorgeous face. He was still searching through the same drawer in the dresser, clearly not finding what he was looking for. Catching my gaze from across the room, a lazy smile bloomed on his lips before he walked over to me, the fresh and warm clothes in his hands. 

"Love, you have to get changed otherwise you're going to freeze." Shawn chuckled removing the towel from my hands. "I'll blow dry your hair after, just get out of these wet clothes." Acknowledging his words, I nodded and headed to the bathroom, a comfy outfit in tow. Struggling out of the soppy skinny jeans and soaking wet shirt, I pulled the fuzzy socks on my cold feet and slipped into the warm sweatpants and Shawn's tshirt. A small sigh escaped my lips as the comfortable clothes rested against my skin. Outside the bathroom, I could hear Shawn padding around the bedroom waiting for me to join him again.

"Shawn, can I throw everything in the dryer?" I asked, opening the bathroom to Shawn now looking through his closest.

"Of course Y/N," he laughed as he turned to face me. Shawn's hazel eyes wandered all over my body and a smile began to play at his lips.

"What are you smiling about?" the question left my lips with a joking tone. Shawn just shook his head and a ran one of his hands through his messy curls.

"Nothing. You just look so cute and cozy and I love when you wear my clothes. All I wanna do is cuddle with you," Shawn stated sheepishly, a blush creeping into his already rosy cheeks. A sweet laugh escaped my lips at his words.

"You're so adorable. How did I get so lucky? I'll be right back," I smiled at him, crossing the room to press a kiss to his cheek. Leaving Shawn and his bedroom behind, I headed downstairs to throw my ruined outfit in the dryer. The first thing I noticed when I entered Shawn's bedroom again, was his tall figure standing in the middle of the room a soft, perfectly baby pink sweatshirt in his hands, his head hung slightly.

Shawn noticed my presence in the room almost immediately and his eyes filled with a mix of guilt and love met mine. "What is it babe?" I cautiously asked, watching his facial expression. He stood from the bed and met me where I was standing.

"So um, I looked everywhere and I can't find that gray hoodie of yours that you really love so is this one okay? It's mine and it'll probably be really big on you but-" Shawn asked, suddenly nervous holding out the pink hoodie with tied strings before I cut him off.

"It's perfect. " A huge smile appeared on Shawn's lips as I spoke. "I love wearing your hoodies." I stated, pulling the cozy sweatshirt over my head.

"Really?" Shawn asked happily watching me settle into the much too large hoodie.

"Why do you think I ask for them so much? They always smell like you so when you're on tour it's like a safety blanket because it makes me feel at home even if you're miles away from me. Plus, they're ten times warmer than anything I own," I explained while laughing. Shawn wrapped his strong arms around me and pressed a sweet kiss to my forehead. Reaching up to play with his messy curls, I met his eyes which were glistening with nothing but pure love.

"Well you'll be happy to know my hoodies look much better on you than they do on me," a soft chuckle left Shawn's lips before he leaned in to kiss me. Our lips moved in sync with each other as I cradled Shawn's face in my hands and he held me tightly against him. Pulling away and meeying my boyfriend's hazel eyes, I realized I wanted this feeling for the rest of my life. Shawn was home. My safety, my love, my world, my everything.

"I love you so much." Shawn whispered against my lips before kissing me again.

"I love you more than you'll ever know," I murmured when we parted again leaning my head against his chest and hearing his steady heartbeat.

"Come on princess. I'm gonna braid your hair and then we can cuddle okay?" he asked softly, rubbing his hands up and down my back. I nodded slightly against Shawn's chest.

"There's nothing in the world I want more than that right now," I spoke quietly, holding Shawn tightly before we both settled in for a cozy night together.


hiii! this was just a cute random idea I had so I figured it'd be nice to write really quick! Once again, I have so many ideas omg so I'm writing them as fast and nicely as possible! my requests are always open so don't hesitate to reach out if you have an idea!

vote, comment, share! thank youu xx

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