You're Safe

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a/n: this is for tilly109753 !! thank you so much for the request & I hope you love it!

Shawn's POV

"Daddy?" The soft voice that belonged to my four year old daughter cut through the silence of our bedroom.

Reaching up with one hand to rub the sleep out of my eyes, I turned my head towards the slightly ajar door, careful not to move too much since Y/N's head was resting on my chest as she slept peacefully.

"Hey, pumpkin. What's wrong?" I questioned quietly as the little girl padded across the carpet until she was standing in front of me by the side of the bed.

Even in the dark, I could tell Rosie's usually bright eyes were full of tears and just at the sight, my heart began shattering into a million pieces.

"Shhh, what happened?" I cooed, gently pushing her hair back behind her ear as I tried to figure out what was bothering her. Rosie sniffled, big tears flowing down her cheeks but she remained silent except for a few quiet cries.

"I-I, I had a bad dream and it was really scary." She admitted through some hiccups and I couldn't take it anymore. Gently moving Y/N so she rested comfortably on the bed, head on her pillow, I outstretched my arms towards our daughter who willingly climbed into the bed and snuggled into me.

"It's okay, Rosie. It was just a dream and I promise nothing's going to happen to you." Each word tumbled out of my mouth full of pure love and adoration. I ran my fingers through her hair soothingly before pressing continuous sweet kisses to the top of her head.

The sheets rustled next to me and Y/N stirred in her sleep, her eyes fluttering open as she reached out to me. For just a moment, her face was calm, only displaying love for the fact that I was still in bed next to her. But in the split second it took for her to realize that Rosie was gently crying on my chest, her brows furrowed with worry as she quickly sat up.

"Baby, what happened? Is she okay?" Y/N asked in a whisper, inching closer to me and waiting for my answer.

"She said she had a bad dream and it was really scary. I couldn't watch her cry so I invited her for some cuddles and she's slowly calming down." I explained with concern as we looked at the little girl we loved so much.

"Rosie, sweetie?" Y/N spoke softly, her voice laced with love as she tried to disguise the worry that was rising in her chest.

Rosie lifted her head up from my chest, sniffling a little bit but the moment her gaze met Y/N's, she put on a hand as if she wanted to be closer to both of us.

"Mommy, I had a b-bad dream." She stuttered through her tears and Y/N frowned, placing her hand on Rosie's back for comfort and leaning against my side.

"So I heard. Are you okay? Can you tell me what happened in your dream?" The questions escaped Y/N's mouth in hopes of Rosie spilling the details of what made her so upset. Clutching onto my tshirt a little tighter and trying to cuddle even closer to me, Rosie looked at Y/N and then up at me, her eyes full of tears.

"T-the big scary people took me again. Took me away and I never saw you or Daddy again. I-I don't want that, Mommy. I love you and Daddy so much. I don't want them to take me," Rosie cried loudly, explaining her dream through her sobs which broke mine and Y/N's heart.

Two years ago, Y/N and I adopted Rosie just before her third birthday. Her biological mother couldn't take care of her anymore and after finding out it would be slightly more difficult for us to become pregnant, we decided to adopt first and keep trying for a baby. Immediately, Rosie became like our own. We loved her right from the very start and couldn't be any happier to call her our daughter. Our family began with her and while we hoped it continued to grow from here, Y/N and I were so thankful to have her in our lives.

But due to some of her experiences as a foster child, which ended terribly, Rosie developed an image in her mind of being pulled away from families who she loved. She knew when a group of people arrived at the door, she was being taken away to somewhere new and it happened so often when she was younger that even though she's been with us for over a year, the thought still scares her.

"Oh, love. Come here," Y/N cooed sweetly, wrapping Rosie up in a hug as she cradled her against her body. "Nothing like that is ever going to happen to you again, okay? We love you endlessly and there's nothing that's going to change that. The big, scary people are gone forever. You don't have to be scared of them anymore because they can't hurt or scare you when you're with Daddy and I." My wife explained, her voice cracking with sadness as she tried to hold back her own tears and placed a warm kiss to Rosie's forehead. It hurt us to see each other in any type of pain, but when your child is upset, your heart physically aches and you'd do anything in the world to make them happy again.

"I love you, Rosie. You know that right?" I said reassuringly, snuggling close to Y/N as our daughter held onto her. Rosie nodded before she looked up to meet my gaze and when our eyes locked, I knew this was all I would ever need for the rest of my life. My family. The woman I love more than anything and our precious daughter.

"I promise you that nothing will ever happen to you, okay? Those people can't get you and no matter what, we love you so much. You're safe here, always. And I'll do anything to make sure that you're always happy and not having bad dreams." A small smile tugged at the corners of my lips as Rosie's eyes found their usual light again and she giggled a bit when I placed a loud and dramatic but loving kiss to her cheek in an effort to cheer her up.

Rosie's lips pulled up into a smile and suddenly she slipped out of Y/N's arms to lay between us on the bed. Turning towards me and cuddling into my chest again, my heart soared with an unbelievable amount of love and I pulled Y/N closer to us. My whole entire world was in my arms.

"They're really never going to take me away again, Daddy?" Rosie asked, voice muffled by my shirt while Y/N rubbed her hand up and down our daughter's back.

"Never, ever." I replied instantly, hugging Rosie a little tighter before both Y/N and I pressed warm kisses to her cheeks. "You're so loved and this is home. You're safe, I promise." My voice choked up with emotion as Y/N leaned up to kiss my jaw before cuddling in closer to me, watching Rosie slowly fall asleep on my chest.

"I love you, Daddy. I love you, Mommy." Rosie whispered, her words almost lost as she began to drift off but we caught everything she said.

"We love you too, sweets. More than you'll ever know." Y/N answered lovingly and I couldn't believe how lucky I was to have both of them. "Get some sleep, Rosie. Daddy and I will always protect you."

"I love you both so much." I admitted gently, holding both of the most important girls in my life tightly. They were my entire world and there isn't anything that I wouldn't do to see them smile.

Y/N placed a tender kiss to my shoulder before nuzzling her face in the crook of my neck. It was moments like this where my heart was truly full of love. As my wife's gentle breaths fanned over my skin and our daughter snuggled close to me, everything in the world was absolutely perfect.


my heart🥺🥺 dad!shawn ALWAYS gets me & I love writing it more than anything. it's just so sweet & adorable & makes all my emotions go crazy.

requests are still temporarily closed but will probably be open again soon!

ALSO, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU FOR 500K READS!!!! never in a million years did I think this book would ever get this far when I started it almost a year ago but all your support, love, comments, reads & requests mean so much to me!! it's crazy to think that half a million people have read my work & I couldn't be anymore grateful for each & every single one of you. SO THANK YOUUUU!!

vote, comment & share!! thank youu xx

Shawn Mendes Imagines !!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora