For When You Miss Me

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A bright summer day had settled over Toronto and as the city bustled below, I was scambling around the condo trying to get ready to for lunch with Aaliyah. She had texted me last night asking if we could hang out because she missed me and couldn't bother Shawn to keep her company. With a smile, I told her I was more than happy to grab lunch with her and in all honesty, I knew seeing at least one Mendes was enough to help the ache in my heart.

Shawn had left for tour only a month ago, with six more still to go and it was already hard not having him around all the time. Even though I drowned the silence of the condo out with my music, it was missing the constant strum of his guitar, the beautiful melodies that he always created at the piano and his cute laugh echoing through the rooms. The bed was always empty and cold without him next to me and holding his pillow close only did so much for the absence of his kisses and the feeling of falling asleep in his strong arms.

Some days are better than others. I'll be able to do everything without even realizing Shawn is miles and miles away from home. But some days, every little thing around the condo reminds me of him. Like his favorite mug sitting unused in the cabinet or the blanket he always stole from me because he loved how fluffy it was. And when a text or FaceTime call came in from him on the days where I miss him more than anything, my heart shatters a little because all I want to do is hug him tight before kissing him over and over again.

Today was one of those days.

So I knew accepting Aaliyah's offer for lunch would make me feel better. Plus, I missed her too. She was always busy between school and hockey that almost every time I stopped over at Shawn's parents' house, she was finishing an essay or practicing stick handling in the backyard.

Pulling a new summer dress over my head, I quickly brushed my hair, letting it settle on my shoulders before grabbing my phone and heading downstairs. As I slipped into my white Vans, I quickly dialed Aaliyah and held the phone between my shouder and cheek.

"Hey Y/N!" She said cheerfully after the call connected and just at the sound of her voice, the heaviness in my heart disappeared a little bit.

"Hi Liyah! I'm heading out right now. Are you ready?" I asked, grabbing my keys and purse before locking the door behind me.

"Yup, I'm all set. Where do you wanna go to eat? There's a new cafe down the street if you want to stay close or we could go back into the city. Whatever's good with you." Aaliyah rambled sweetly, as she reviewed the options for where we could have lunch.

The sunlight was already warming my skin as I stepped out of the building and unlocked my car. Just as I opened the driver's side door, an idea occurred to me.

"Actually if we go back into the city, there's this really cool place we could go to. Shawn brought me there before he left and I think you'd love it. It's a super cute restaurant right on the lake and it's gorgeous." I gushed, remembering how incredible the place was and how Shawn couldn't wait to take me there.

"Ooh, that sounds great! Can we go there?" Aaliyah questioned, patiently awaiting my response. A light giggle escaped my lips as my smile grew even wider. Closing the car door and putting my purse in the passenger seat, I connected my phone to the Bluetooth before answering.

"We can definitely do that. There's also an incredible ice cream place over there if you want to check that out too." I said joyfully, putting my phone in the middle console and pushing my keys into the ignition.

"Sounds like a plan! I'm so excited!" Aaliyah practically squealed with enthusiasm and I couldn't help but laugh. "You're going to get such a big hug and there's so much I have to tell you about." She continued, her beautiful smile evident in her words.

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