I'm Right Here

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for: @anonymous1947, hope you like it!

a/n: Harry in this imagine is referring to Harry Styles (aka the other loml besides Shawn) as requested & it's loosely based off of "Treat You Better" which is attached so you can listen while you read!

Shawn's POV

The heavy rain fell onto the windshield of my Jeep as I stared at the night covered streets, trying to collect my thoughts. In a whirlwind of emotions and no responses to any of my texts or calls from Y/N, I decided to drive over to her apartment in the pouring rain. Worry and concern clouded my mind as I carefully watched the rain create unique patterns against the glass of the windshield. A sigh escaped my lips and I ran my hand over my face. Pulling the keys from the ignition, I quickly opened the Jeep door stepping into the rain, locking the car and running to the protection of Y/N's apartment building.

Inside, the lobby was bustling with visitors and residents waiting for elevators to return to the comfort of their home. Just as I arrived in front of the multiple elevators, one opened that was going up. I stepped in and with a press on a button labeled 16, the small circle was illuminated and the doors closed before the elevator rose through the building. With a tiny ding, the doors slid open revealing the familiar hallway of Y/N's floor. Softly padding down the hallway until I stood in front of Y/N's door, I took a deep breath and knocked. Silence answered me.

"Y/N?" I asked, knocking again louder this time. "It's Shawn, please let me in." Silence again. "Please, Y/N." A surge of worry coursed through my veins and I rested my head against the door, palms flat against the wood. I could feel my anxiety rising with every passing second. If anything had happened to her, I don't how I would be able to live with myself. Suddenly, I heard the noise of a lock clicking and backing away a little, Y/N opened the door slowly.

"Shawn?" she asked quietly when the door was wide open and our gazes met. She was wearing a pair of leggings and an over-sized sweatshirt. Her beautiful hair was thrown up in a messy bun and her mesmerizing eyes were puffy from endless hours of crying. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh Y/N," I muttered, sadness filling my heart as I crossed the threshold to pull in for a tight hug. "You haven't answered any of my texts or calls and I was so scared something had happened." My voice was a whisper in the quiet of her apartment but Y/N snuggled in closer to me.

"I'm s-so sorry Shawn. I didn't mean to scare you, I just fell asleep and-" Y/N began to ramble on in apologies but I just hugged her tighter as a reassurance I was there.

"No, no. It's alright, I worry about you all the time. I'm just glad you're okay." I said quietly, rubbing my hands up and down her back feeling her relax against me, her sniffles not as frequent. She pulled away to close the door and then sat on the couch, an exhausted look in her eyes. "How are you? Please talk to me. I'm right here, it's okay." My questions were tentative but I crossed the room and sat next to her, my gaze never leaving her. Y/N sighed and a fresh pool of tears rolled down her cheeks. Gently, I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her in closer to me and instantly she rested her head on my chest, feeling safe.

"Not good. It sucks Shawn. The last year and a half of my life was invested in this relationship and suddenly, like it's absolutely nothing, he just breaks up with me with no real explanation. And I'm just expected to sit here and not be heartbroken? It hurts like hell Shawn. I don't even know how to describe it," she explained, her voice filled with nothing but sadness as her hot tears left streaks down her cheeks. Y/N had been dating Harry for a year and a half and even though I had undeniable feelings for her, I did everything to support her in the relationship. With every kiss, smile, laugh and burst of happiness between them, a knife twisted in my heart, knowing I couldn't ever have that with her. But Y/N had been best friends since I could remember and being there for her when she needed me is always my first priority. "I guess it just took him a little longer than usual to realize I'm not worth it,"

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