Suit & Tie

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a/n: this is loosely inspired by Justin Timberlake' song "Suit & Tie", I attached a video so you can listen to it while you read!

The loud and busy chatter of the hotel room surrounded me as I focused on the book in my hands, trying to concentrate enough to read another page. It was a busy press day for Shawn and he practically begged me to tag along. He found comfort knowing that I was backstage watching him when he was doing an interview and during photoshoots, he only focused on me standing next to the camera which always resulted in the best pictures.

Today, Shawn had three interviews and one photoshoot lined up and after a busy morning of sitting in radio stations and TV studios where Shawn would sneakily kiss me between takes, we were back at the hotel room, getting ready for his Armani photoshoot. Secretly, I loved being at the photoshoots because Shawn always looked beyond amazing and it just gave me another excuse to admire him. But all day, Shawn had been a little extra needy which I certainly didn't mind but I knew what it led to and the thought wouldn't leave my mind.

A burst of music snapped me out of my thoughts and I realized I still hadn't read a word on the page in front of me. "Best Song Ever" by One Direction was playing out of the speakers in the bathroom and I playfully rolled my eyes. Shawn was listening to one of my playlists which didn't surprise me but still made me giggle because I knew he was probably dancing along while his stylist tried to tame his wild curls.

"Baby!" Shawn called from the bathroom that was connected to the bedroom part of the hotel suite. "I want your opinion on my hair," he continued to yell over the music and with a light laugh, I bookmarked my spot in the book and got up to enter the bathroom. Shawn was sitting on a stool in front of the sink and mirror, his stylist at his side with a can of hairspray poised in her hand. "Hey love," Shawn smiled, meeting my eyes in the mirror as I stood behind him.

"Hey handsome," my voice was barely heard over the music but Shawn caught my words as I rested my hands on his shoulders. "Your hair looks perfect like it always does." I giggled, glancing at his stylist and shooting her a wink as a thank you which she smiled widely at.

"You're sure? I'm good for hairspray then?" Shawn asked, holding on of my hands and pressing a light kiss to my palm. I nodded encouragingly before leaning over his shoulder to leave a warm kiss on his rosy cheeks. A wide smile spread across his pink lips and I pulled away to leave the room so his stylist could finish hair. Quickly, Shawn intertwined our fingers and met my gaze again. "Stay," he said softly and instantly, I decided to stay in the room.

The large cloud of hairspray settled over Shawn's curls, firmly holding them in place and securing the style. "All set!" the stylist exclaimed, smiling widely at the final product. Shawn thanked her and whispered something in her ear but beneath the loud music, I couldn't catch his words. My brows furrowed in confusion as she sent me a bright smile before leaving the bathroom and closing the bedroom door behind her. I kept my eyes on the door, waiting for her to enter the room again because Shawn still had to get dressed, but nothing happened.

"Shawn, what's going on? You still have to get dressed and she just walked out?" I asked pointing at the door and meeting his gaze as I tried to put together what was happening. Shawn's beautiful hazel eyes danced excitedly and a breathtaking smile was on his lips as he chuckled adorably at my expression.

"She was just doing my hair today babygirl," Shawn stated simply like this information was known by everyone. Standing from the stool, our hands still connected, he led me into the bedroom to where the rack holding the pieces to his suit for the shoot was. A hint of mischief glinted in his eyes before he left a warm kiss on my cheek. "You're my stylist for the rest of the day." He mumbled lowly, his face just inches from mine and I knew exactly what he was up to.

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