Baby Kicks

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Shawn's soft singing floated into the living room of the condo as he shuffled around the kitchen making breakfast. He had insisted on making the pancakes and eggs by himself this morning, allowing me to relax and catch up on the latest episode of The Bachelor.

Snuggled up under a warm blanket on the couch, my hands drew soft circles on my growing baby bump under the tshirt of Shawn's I was wearing. Sending a wave of comfort through me, I focused on the TV screen in front of me.

Since we found out I was pregnant four and a half months ago, Shawn had been extra caring about every little thing. Helping me out of bed, being even more gentle than usual when making love, doing the chores around the house. He was so careful about everything, wanting to make sure the baby and I were okay at all times.

Even when the bump wasn't evident, my stomach still completely flat, Shawn took it upon himself every night to talk or sing to the baby before falling asleep. The sight always warmed my heart. His large hands rested on my stomach ever so gently as he kissed my skin delicately and whispered sweet words or sang his favorite songs to the unborn baby that we already loved so much.

Despite the craziness of his career, Shawn made it his only priority to be at home with me during every step of the pregnancy. He put releasing music on hold for a while but that certainly didn't stop him from stringing new melodies together in the studio. He never missed a checkup or appointment, eager to hold my hand and catch a glimpse of the baby on the monitor screen which always brought tears to his eyes.

To say the last four months had been completely blissful, even with the annoying aspects of pregnancy, was an understatement. Shawn always made everyday feel perfect and I couldn't ever thank him enough for that.

Snapping out of my thoughts, my fingers began to draw small shapes on my belly as I watched the episode on TV, Shawn's gentle voice still filling the condo with beautiful tunes.

"No way," I mumbled to myself, halting the hand movement on my stomach as one of the contestants made a move on the man who was the bachelor. One of my friends got me hooked on the show a few years ago and after introducing Shawn to it, we quickly made it a tradition to watch the new episodes every week and gossip about the contestants. "What no! Shawn! Cassie made a move on Colton!" I exclaimed in disbelief.

In seconds, Shawn's head peered over the counter that looked into the living room. His brown curls were tousled from sleep and falling over his forehead adorably while a boyish smile was tugging at the corners of his pink lips. His hazel eyes I loved so much were bright as he met my gaze and his cheeks were the perfect rosy color.

"I told you sweetheart, she's gonna win it! Called it," Shawn chuckled, his eyes glistening with love as I shook my head.

"Nope, I don't like her. If she wins, I might have to give up on this show," I giggled teasingly and Shawn rolled his eyes playfully but his breathtaking smile was plastered on his face. "How's breakfast going? You're sure you don't want my help?" The questions escaped my lips and Shawn quickly shook his head before running his hand through his curls.

"Honey, I'm fine. I promise!" Shawn said trying to prove his point. "You need to relax, I've got breakfast. You're carrying our baby so I think the least I could do is make breakfast. Gotta learn at some point," he mumbled the last part to himself, his cheeks burning a deep pink with blush and I couldn't help but laugh.

"I love you so much, you know that?" I stated, my heart so full of adoration for the amazing man I got to call my husband. Shawn's eyes softened and he leaned his head on his hand before smiling widely.

"I love you so much more, you know that?" Shawn repeated my words back with a playful glint in his eyes. My heart swelled with happiness and love just looking at him, unable to pull my eyes away. Even after years together, every time I looked at him it felt like I was falling in love all over again.

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