Mornings With You

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a/n: this is for Cycloneelle ! thank you for the idea & I I hope you love it! this is probably the FLUFFIEST thing you'll ever read so get ready.

The fourth Harry Potter movie droned on in the background, neither of us paying attention to the plot line anymore as our minds were easily distracted with each other's company. My head was resting gently in Shawn's lap as he ran his fingers through my hair while his other arm lay over my waist. Without realizing it, my eyes fluttered closed every few minutes as drowsiness settled over my body but I woke myself up to focus on the movie.

"Honey, it's getting late and I know you're falling asleep." Shawn whispered softly with a light chuckle as he slightly tightened his hold on me.

"Nooo," I drew the word out sleepily, knowing he was right. "I'm just a little tired." I admitted while snuggling in closer to him and adjusting the warm blanket that was covering my body. "It's okay, I'm watching the movie."

"Y/N, come on. I'll drive you home if you want," Shawn said with a small smile as he subconsciously started rubbing little circles on my arm which instantly soothed me. "You're tired and I don't want anything happening to you on the way back to your place." his words were caring but despite everything, I didn't want to leave him.

"Shawn?" I asked tentatively before pulling my eyes away from the bright TV screen and looking up at him. His gaze was soft with love as he carefully pushed my hair behind my ear.

"Hmm?" He hummed back, waiting for my question.

"Could I stay over tonight?" The question left my mouth and within a split second, Shawn's eyes lit up happily and a bashful smile bloomed on his pink lips. "If it's not too much, I don't wanna overstep my boundaries." I rushed to reassure him as a sudden surge of nervousness rose in my chest.

It would be the first time either of us stayed over at each other's place. Every time Shawn was falling asleep on my couch, he always made sure to drive back to his condo because he didn't want to cross a line too early. It was sort of an unspoken rule and once when I almost passed out of exhaustion on his bed after a busy day with him, I decided to go back home. Our relationship was still relatively new, just passing the seven month mark and we were both so scared of ruining something as amazing as what we had.

"Of course you can stay baby. You don't even have to ask," Shawn replied happily, delicately caressing my cheek and a shy smile pulled at the corners of my lips.

"You're sure?" I double checked but Shawn just nodded enthusiastically and leaned down to press a warm kiss to my forehead.

"Positive love. Now come on, let's go get ready for bed." Shawn whispered softly, his hazel eyes twinkling beautifully with love before he clicked off the TV. Slowly sitting up, I rubbed my eyes trying to fight the drowsiness washing over my body. Then, Shawn wrapped his strong arms around me tightly and lifted me off the couch bridal style before walking up the stairs to his bedroom.

Letting my head rest on his shoulder, I felt the heavy feeling of sleep fall over my body and even though Shawn's condo had become a second home, the pure feeling of being safe filled my heart. A small smile spread across my lips when a thought suddenly occurred to me.

"Shawn, I don't have clothes here. What am I going to sleep in?" I asked, my voice filled with panic at the realization as I looked up at him worriedly. Shawn just smiled sweetly and pressed a tender kiss to my forehead.

"Don't worry babygirl, I have clothes for you." Shawn whispered quietly just as he pushed the bedroom door open. My eyes fell on the absolutely stunning view of Toronto that was on full display through the floor-to-ceiling windows that faced Shawn's bed. No matter how many times I saw it, the skyline always amazed me.

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