Chapter 122

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Chapter 122

When I finish brushing my teeth I grab a t-shirt from a drawer and fall in to bed. I don't know what's come over me, my mind is racing and my words can't keep up.

"Goodnight Adrian!" I call but only get a loud grunt from the living room in return. I'm surprised I even got those words out.

Louis has taken my place in the bathroom brushing his teeth and I sliver under the cold duvet that hasn't been used in a while. I try to wrap my feet in the blanket and warm them but I am having no such luck. I am so cold. I regret not wearing pants.

I begin to gather up my thoughts and wonder what happened to me just a few minutes ago. It felt like every memory, every feeling I've ever had suddenly came crashing in to me. The feeling was overwhelming.

Louis returns from the bathroom and joins me in bed. He isn't touching me, in fact I don't think we could get any farther away from each other on the bed without falling off, but I can feel his body heat radiating off him warm skin and without thinking my body flies in to his and my arms and legs wrap around him.

Just as I had suspected, Louis' bare body with the exception of his black boxers warms me in seconds, but I still feel goose bumps.

"A bit cold then?" Louis laughs.

"Just a little"

I am turned on my side facing Louis and snuggling in to him. His arms are wrapped around me and my head is nuzzled in to the crook of his neck.

"My parents want us down in two weeks" Louis says.

"Okay" I reply.

I am already beginning to feel sleepy.



"If we are spending less time with each other how is tour going to work?" Louis asks.

I had totally forgotten about Tour.

"I'll visit you"

"You're not coming?"

"No" I sigh. I feel Louis soften next to me.

"You'll visit me?"


"Do you promise?"

"Yes Louis, I promise"

I feel Louis shift as his hand finds mine.

"Pinkie swear" Louis whispers.

My pinkie wraps around his and he kissed the top of my head.

"I love you, even when you worry too much about the fans" Louis' pinkie releases mine.

"I love you, even when you plan things without talking to me" I say and close my eyes.

"Goodnight Riley"

"Goodnight Louis"

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