Chapter 115

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Chapter 115

When I got back up to Louis and I's hotel room I remembered that tomorrow we are leaving back for England, and I haven't even fully been outside in America. So, I put on some clothes that the stylists had laid out for me in case I wanted to go outside and put on sunglasses to try and hid my face. The sunglasses were rather big, so I figured they'd do a pretty good job hiding my face. The shorts that I was wearing ended just above the middle of my thigh, and I was wearing a large sports jersey that almost covered my shorts, so I tucked it in. I felt like a typical California girl, and I guess that's what the stylists were going for so I would blend in.

I grabbed my phone and wallet and stuffed them in the small purse that was provided for me and tied my hair up in a ponytail. I wasn't sure where I was going to go, but I hoped to get as much things as I could do today.

It took me about a minute to get from our hotel room to the lobby, and I was relieved to see that there were barely any fans at the hotel doors. I assumed they all left when they saw all the boys leave the hotel, and they are wandering around town trying to find them.

I walked out the glass hotel doors and on to the busy Los Angeles street. Palm trees lined the empty spaces on my right, and busy streets of cars were on my left. People walked aimlessly along the sidewalk, most of which were on their phones. I hadn't realized how hot it actually was here until my mouth started to become dry, and my mind was screaming at me for water.

I scanned the streets for any grocery stores, and I spotted one a little ways down the street that I was now walking towards. There wasn't any wind pushing against me, only humidity. I saw people walking down the street in jeans and a light jacket and my mouth hung open at their numbness to the heat.

I was now drawing nearer and nearer to the grocery store when it dawned on me that I don't know how to properly use American money. I know the basics of the dollar, but the coins are really what are going to throw me off.

When I enter the store, I look around for the water section and finally my eyes land on it in the back of the store. I pull my purse around me so it's in the front of me so I can get my phone out easier. I take it out and quickly look up the basics of American money as I continue walking to the back of the store.

I am about to click on the link to a money site for kids when I run in to something hard. My phone falls to the ground and I gasp and reach down, hoping it didn't crack. My phone isn't cracked, and I realize how rude I'm being for running in to someone and checking on my phone before I apologize.

"Sorry" I say quickly when I stand back up straight.

"Its fine" A man with blue eyes and blond hair says back. He is a lot taller than me and is carrying a basket full of chips.

"I like your accent, where are you from?" The man asks.

"Leeds in England" I reply.

The boy smiles and grabs a candy bar off the shelf next to us.

"Cool" He says and I nod awkwardly.

I'm not sure if I should keep standing here and talking to him or if I should walk past him and continue my journey to relieve my mouth from dehydration.

I decide to go with the second option and start to walk past him, but I stop myself.

"Is there any way you could help me with American money?" I ask, turning back around.

The boy smiles and nods. He follows me back to where the water is and I pull out some money from my wallet.

"How much is this?" I ask, showing him the money.

"That's about fifty dollars" He replies.

"Is it enough to get that water" I point to a single bottle of water through the glass and the boy laughs loudly, sending a blush to my cheeks.

"Yes it is" He says and opens the door to the water and pulls out the bottle that I pointed out. He takes the water down and hands it to me.

"This is two of those" He points to the green pieces of paper in my hands "And one of those" He points to a large silver coin in my hand.

"Two dollars and a silver coin?" I ask. I really am clueless.

He nods and I shove the rest of the money in my purse.

"Thanks" I say to him and start to walk to check out when I remember Adrian's Twinkie. "Where are the Twinkies?" I ask the boy and he laughs again.

"You are adorable. The Twinkies are at the cash register. They cost one green paper with a one on it" He explains.

Did he just call me adorable? I hope this is just the American's way of being nice so he isn't flirting with me.

"Thanks" I say and start walking to the cash register.

"Wait, I never did get your name" He stops me.

"Riley Greene" I say.

"It's nice to meet you Riley Greene, I'm Conner Johns" He says and I nod.

"Nice to meet you" I say and continue to walk to the cash register.

He nods and I finally get away from him and walk to pay for the stuff I just purchased. I wonder if all Americans are that friendly. I hope not, I don't want any more awkward situations where I don't know if I should walk away or continue talking. I hope I don't run in to Conner Johns again.

I pay for the items and walk back out in to the warm weather. I put the Twinkie in my purse and hope it doesn't get crushed and open the water bottle. The flow of the cool water in to my parched mouth almost makes me want to drink the whole bottle in one sitting, but I stop myself before I can empty the bottle.

I pass several antique stores, all of which bring a pang of sadness to my heart at remembrance of my father. I haven't been thinking about him much lately and I feel guilty of that fact. Mom hasn't called me lately either, so I wonder how the funeral planning is going. I still feel bad for leaving her alone, God knows what she's doing but I know I did what was best at the time. I suck in my cheeks and purse my lips at the thought of my dad. I can't believe I almost forgot about him. What is my problem? It's only been like three weeks. I haven't been THAT busy, have I?

No, I haven't.

Everything has been going by so fast. I mean look at me. I'm in America with my boyfriend of one month for an awards show, and I and wandering the streets by myself. I practically live with him and we are barely apart. I really need to slow down.

I spot a nearby park and sit down on one of the benches and cross my legs. Louis and I are moving so fast. All in a month's time we've told each other we love one another, we've had sex multiple times, we shower together 70% of the time, and my father has died.

Now that I have a moment to sit and think about what's happening, I want to slap myself. I really need to slow down with Louis. Most couples at this time in their relationship are just going on dates maybe once a week, not living together and having sex.

I take a deep breath and stand up. I need to slow things down with Louis or else we're going to be a high speed train about to go off the tracks.

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