Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

When Harry pulled up behind the restaurant,  Louis took my hand and we climbed into the black car.

"Thanks for picking us up, Harry" Louis said.

Harry nodded, visibly uncomfortable.

The car ride was silent, Harry didn't even turn on the radio, and neither Louis or I wanted to break the silence.

When we got back to the hotel, the building was swarmed with fans.

"Well fuck!" Harry yelled, hitting the steering wheel.

I looked at Louis, raising my eyebrows to silently ask Louis what’s wrong with Harry. Louis just shrugged.

"Harry, can you take us to the park then please?" Louis asked.

"Which one?" Harry asked in a low voice.

"Uh, Hyde park I guess"

"Alright" Harry pulled away from the hotel and zoomed down the busy streets of London.

It wasn't quite dark, but not light either. The sun was about to go down when we arrived at the park.

Harry parked the car on the side of the street and opened his door to come out. Louis and I decided not to ask why he was coming, as he was already in a bad mood. I opened my door and stepped out also.

Louis and I decided not to hold hands as we walked to the center of the park, we didn't want to upset Harry even more.

Louis and I sat on one side of a rugged picnic table, and Harry sat on the other.

"Fat penguin" Louis blurted out.

"What?" I said laughing.

"I needed something to break the silence" Louis shrugged.

"That was stupid" Harry rolled his eyes.

"Harry why are you being such a douche?" Louis stood up.

"I am not" Harry also stood up.

Louis and Harry faced each other. Harry easily towered over Louis, and has a stronger, louder voice.

"You have been angry this whole night, and it didn't start until after you came to pick up up!" Louis yelled.

"Maybe it's because I don't want you dating a fucking pap! They are all bitches!" Harry yelled.

My heart dropped. Oh.

"Goodbye, then" I whispered then walked down the path to the street. Louis and Harry didn't seem to notice that I was gone. Before I got to the street a heard Louis yell.

"Well maybe she is!" And I immediately expected the worse. 

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