Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Harry's POV

"Guys we screwed up big" I sighed.

"Yeah" Liam and Zayn chorused. Niall picked at his food.

"Niall?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I was on Louis' side to begin with. You should have heard the things he said about her, his whole face lit up when he started. Now he is just dull" Niall took a bite of his chicken.

"It's all my fault Louis is like this. He hasn't left the hotel room in a week and hasn't smiled or told any jokes in that time either. This isn't him. Not to mention the fans are going nuts" I said. "Why did I have to judge her before I knew her?"

"Its okay mate, she's a pap, I don't blame you for judging right away" Zayn said.

"Yeah but I could have at least tried to get to know her before I said all that stuff. After seeing seeing how Louis is now, I dread to find out how she's been" I stood up. "But I have to. Zayn come with me to find her. Liam-"

"I'm coming too" Niall stood up. "I know where she lives, Louis told me when we were at the park" Niall answered our questioning looks. I didn't complain.

"Liam go back to the hotel and take care of Louis" I said.

"Sir, yes sir!" Liam said a little too loudly.


"Way to go, Liam" Zayn said in between pictures with fans and autographs. "Way to go"

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