Chapter 6

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A/N Because the last chapter was so short, i decided to update again. And by the way, I'm from America, so i apologize if my british slang is off and i accidentaly call mum mom or flat apartment anytime during the story. Sorry.


Chapter 6

I woke up at around 3 PM. I decided to take a shower, as I hadn't taken one in days. I walked into the bathroom to shower, and looked at myself in the mirror. Oh no, I still had Louis' clothes.

"Damnit Riley" I said to myself.

Just then, the phone rang. I lazily dragged myself out of the bathroom and picked it up.

"Hello" I said darkly. I wasn't in the best of moods.

"Riley! Its Clark"

Great. My boss was calling. This only meant one thing.

"We need you to come into work today!"

And there it is.

"Ok" I sighed and hung up the phone.

I decided to skip the shower, as I didn't want to make Clark angry with me showing up later than he wanted.

I chose another pair of skinny jeans, as I left my other pair at Louis' hotel room. I pulled a white tank top with pink stripes for my top, and put on my gray vans. I was about to grab my camera, but something stopped me. I took out the sim card containing the photo of Louis and replaced it with a fresh one. I didn't want anyone else to see that picture just yet. I took the camera and decided to wear a black jacket in case I got cold. I zipped my phone in one of the pockets and headed out the door.

Adrian was still asleep on his recliner, so I left him a note telling him where I was going. Adrian was sure a long sleeper.

I decided on taking the bus to work, as my car was in the repair shop and I didn't want to wake Adrian to ask him for a ride.

The bus ride seemed to take forever, and all the seats were taken so I had to stand. I held my camera tight in my hands, making sure it wouldn't drop when we hit a bump. I tapped my foot to Coldplay’s Viva La Vida and looked down at my straight blond hair. I am about 5 foot 7, a decent height for a 20 year old. I am on summer break, and I go back to college in August. It is currently May.  I regret my decision on wearing jeans and a jacket when I get off the bus and start walking to my work building. The heat was starting to bother me. Luckily, I was almost there.

When I get into the building, my vans echo off the marble flooring and I swear everyone can hear me in this whole building. The room was filled with natural light, and the walls were painted white so it looked as if I was in a lab.

"Hello Ms. Greene" the receptionist, Rachel said as I walked by.

"Hi" I awkwardly waved back at the 30 year old woman.

I trudged up the stairs and into my working room. I had a computer, a camera charger, and a pencil sharpener. Pretty basic, but my favorite part of the large room was its amazing view of London, and a spinney desk chair. I made sure no one was coming before I placed my camera on the desk and plopped myself in the chair and spun around. The floor to ceiling window was blocked off by a fence. I guess Clark didn't trust me not to fall out the window.

I spun all around the room in my chair, glad the walls were soundproof so no one could hear my giggling. I spun in circles, waiting to get a call to tell me where to go to take pictures.

I abruptly stopped spinning when I heard someone clear their thought from the doorway.

"Oh um hi Clark" I slid back to my desk.

"Hi, Ms. Greene. You have a guest. Go on in, Mr. Tomlinson"

Louis walked into my office and Clark stepped out, closing the door behind him. I was now left with a boy with a giant smirk on his face. 

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