Chapter 145

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Chapter 145

Riley's POV

As I drive home I begin I regret more and more leaving. I want to stay with Louis and the boys and just hand out all day doing nothing. However, I know they have Good Morning America tomorrow, and if I was there I would just make them late, not to mention I have work tomorrow.

I begin to think about going on a family trip with Louis and his family, and even debate calling Louis and telling him I've changed my mind and I want to go, but maybe it would be best for us to stay away from each other, so when we reunite we will be more passionate than ever. Just the thought of us together like that again makes my stomach drop and a smile spread across my face. If anyone looked in the window of my car right now I'd be screwed.

I pull up to a stoplight and a big black van pulls up beside me. At first I don't think much of it, but then I see a man stick a camera out the window and see the flash of the camera. I look to the other side of my car and an identical van is stopped, with two cameras out the windows. As soon as the light turns green I drive in the opposite direction of my apartment so I don't lead them to Adrian. I grab my phone from the seat beside me, trying to keep an eye on the road and dial Louis's number at the same time.

Louis answers on the first ring.

"Louis, I'm surrounded by paparazzi in my car" I say.

"Fuck, I can't help you. I have to pack for our trip tomorrow and if I don't get moving in the next five minutes management will have my ass. I'll send one of the boys to get you" Louis rushes.

"Okay, I'm on Tinison Way" I tell him.

"Pull in to the car park for the park next to the London Eye, Zayn is coming to get you, I love you" Louis says.

"I love you" I say and take a turn in to the car park.

Louis hands up the phone and I park in the corner. The black vans come to surround me and paps start getting out of their cars to circle around mine.

"Riley! Are you going to the USA with the boys again?" One pap shouts right

in to my window.

"If you ignore us we'll make your life miserable" Another one yells. This one is farther away.

"Is it true that you used to be one of us?" The first guy says again.

I look out my rear view mirror and three more vans pull in to the parking lot. Is this what the boys have to deal with all the time? I can barely deal with the three times I've been mobbed I can't imagine how the boys do it. I try to withdraw myself from the rude and inappropriate shouts form the vultures that are the paparazzi. I reach to the radio and turn it on to try and drown out the shouting.

I pull out my phone and log in to twitter to hopefully distract myself.

'Surrounded by the paparazzi! Trying to drown out the yelling at me!' I tweet.

I lock my phone and turn up the radio even louder and sink down in my seat and cover my ears. I can still hear distant yelling at me. I think of pulling out of the parking lot and trying to lose them as they try to get back in their cars. I almost do just that but a buzzing next to me stops my plans.

Zayn is calling, thank god.

I turn down the music and answer the phone.

"Hello?" I practically yell in to the receiver.

"Riley, I'm here across the street, slowly back out of the parking lot and behind the building across the street, then leave your car in the open garage and get in my shitty green one" Zayn says smoothly.

"Okay" I say.

"I'll see you in a minute" Zayn says and hands up. It's amazing how calm he can be in situations like this.

I honk my car horn and the paparazzi jump back, I then put my car in to reverse and slowly press down on the gas. Inch my inch, my car backs out of the way of the paparazzi, and when I'm sure I won't run anyone over, I press hard on the gas and zoom across the street. I steal a glance in my rear view mirror and see dozens of paparazzi piling back in to their cars. I drive behind the building and park my car in an open garage and get out.

My heart races as I look around for a green car and don't find one. I begin to think Zayn left without me until I see an old green car come around the corner and Zayn's head pop out the window. With a sigh of relief I run over to the car and get in the passenger side. Zayn waves at someone I didn't notice in the garage and large door shuts, leaving my car inside. Just as we pull out from behind the building, I see all six of the paparazzi cars pull in behind the building.

I take deep breaths, trying to slow down my heart rate and collect myself. I hope that never happens again when I'm alone.

"Thanks for saving me" I say to Zayn.

Zayn nods in recognition of my gratitude.

"I'll have Louis drop off your car before we leave for the US in about an hour and a half" Zayn says.

"Thanks" I say again. "Why did you take this car?"

"They wouldn't expect a famous person to be in a crappy old green car, so they wouldn't follow us" Zayn says.

"Smart" I complement.

Zayn and I drive in silence the rest of the way to my flat, but it's a comfortable silence. I feel much calmer now that there are not pictures being taken of me without my permission. I can't believe I used t do that to people. I'm so glad Louis got me fired, strangely. The only thing I'm not happy about is having to pay for my college.

We eventually pull in front of my flat building and I thank him again before climbing out of the car and running up the familiar metal steps up to my flat and twist the doorknob and push the door open.

"Riley! Are you okay?" Adrian rushed up to me.

"Yeah, I'm fine, are there pictures out already?" I ask and Adrian nods.

I walk to his laptop and he pulls open an album of pictures of twitter and hands his laptop to me. I set the laptop on my lap and begin flipping through the pictures.

"You did a good job of keeping your face covered" Adrian says.

"Thanks" I stare at the screen to get a closer look.

"How did you get home? You disappeared behind that building" Adrian asks.

"Zayn took me home; I parked my car in a garage on the inside of the building"

"ZAYN TOOK YOU HOME AND DIDN'T COME IN TO SAY HELLO??" Adrian stands up and marches to the window and opens the curtains. "Dammit, he's gone" Adrian curses.

"I know what can cheer you up" I smile. "Go get some Vodka"

A/N This story is going downhill lmao

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