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Louis Tomlinson and I got married on August 5th, 2016 and he proposed on August 29th, 2015 which made Liam very happy. The wedding took place in a church in Doncaster. I was excited to see Louis's mum there. We have had a very strong connection ever since I first met her in the summer of 2013.

Louis's first tour was very rough for me, but after months of being apart I decided to join him on tour instead of making myself miserable. College was a challenge for me because of all the directioners following me around, but I soon took advantage of it by having them carry my books. I finished college on my 21st birthday with a major in photography. I still work for Teen Vogue, but I am no longer photographer. Kim retired, and made me manager.

Adrian refused to stand up in front and be one of Louis's groomsmen at our wedding, so he sat in the front row dabbing his eyes with a tissue along with my mother. Louis's sisters were all my maids of honor, I couldn't choose just one. Stan was Louis's best man, as he didn't want to hurt the boy's feelings by choosing just one of them.

Niall and Liam succeeded in getting drunk at our wedding and Harry had to escort them to the bathroom to clean themselves up while Zayn fell back in his chair, laughing.

Our honeymoon was in New York City, well the first one was. Louis and I couldn't decide on a spot so we went to NYC then we went to his choice, Cancun.

A few weeks later I found out I was pregnant. With twins.

Louis and I bought a large three story house in the suburbs of Doncaster, as it was only an hour drive from my mum's house and Louis's family was much bigger, and therefore required a lot more attention. Also, Louis missed his mum a lot.

My twins, Lizzie and Angie were born on April 1st so naturally the first thing Louis said when I gave birth to them was "April Fools!"

I kicked him out of the hospital room.

The media has laid off Louis and I, finding more and more stories on hot young celebrities. The fans have stuck with us and learned to accept me. I no longer worry about what they think. All the other boys are married too, but I won't go in to detail. They all live in separate parts of the United Kingdom, Niall in Ireland. We always come together for holidays, though. Also made up holidays, and sometimes even for a small catch up, and of course they all get together for tour.

When I found out I was having twins, I reluctantly quit work from home job, where mostly all I did was make calls and make sure everything is going okay down in London.

Adrian lives in Leeds near his family, and he comes to visit all the time. Wolf lives with him, they aren't married yet. Adrian sometimes hides cotton candy around our house just to make me mad because I have to clean the sticky mess up. I have no idea how the hell he gets inside, but somehow he does it.

Sometimes Louis and I travel back to Johnson Hotel for a small vacation, leaving the twins with my mum so she isn't lonely. We hang out in the hotel room where I first saw Louis, and somehow that hotel room still smells like burnt casserole.

Staying alone in a room with a bed soon resulted in Louis and I's third child, Tommy who was born on October 31st, resulting in Louis calling him several Halloween characters and putting devil ears on him as soon as I gave birth.

I kicked him out of the hospital room again.

Louis and I try not to talk about all the drama we went through when we first started dating, it makes us cringe much like when you think back to when you were ten.

To this day I wonder what I would have done if I hadn't let my curiosity get the best lf me, which lead me to find Louis in his hotel room. I think thay decision, the decision to climb up the unstable fire escape in the hopes of getting a promotion, was the best decision I've ever made.

The actual end.

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