Chapter 127

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Chapter 127

Riley's POV

"Riley" Adrian calls me from the living area.

I groan and step out of my warm bed where I was silently reading a book and walk out in to the living room. I walk across the hard wood in my bedroom and out the door to the living room. This is the first day of Louis' and I's 'giving each other space' thing, and I think it's going pretty well. I have missed him a little but I snap myself back in to reality when I realize how stupid that sounds.

"Have a seat" Adrian points to the couch and I sit on the leather that immediately sticks to my bare legs.

"Yes?" I ask.

"I thought I would tell you this so you didn't hear it later from someone else who might twist the truth" Adrian says. A million possibilities come to mind as I think of all the bad things I've done in my life. What could Adrian be talking about?

"I'm going to read you something Louis' ex-girlfriend posted on twitter. It's a twit-longer," He explains. I nod my head.

"As you all may know, I am Louis Tomlinson's ex-girlfriend. We broke up back in April, but I am still talking to his friends. I thought I'd share some information to you, the fans, so you know what's happening with your idols. A source told me why Louis is really dating that girl Riley Greene, and here's why" Adrian reads.

I feel my heart beat faster at what might come out of the twit-longer next. Adrian looks up at me to make sure I still want him to read. I nod.

Adrian continues. "About a month ago, Riley worked for Grinestone photography, aka the paparazzi headquarters. She was at the hotel that the boys were at when she met Louis. All the other boys were coming out the front door, but Riley decided to go check if she could get a picture of Louis for a raise. She climbed the fire escape all the way up to Louis' window and took a picture of him. Naked. Louis knew that if this picture got out to the public he would be in serious shit, so, he pretended to like the girl. They went out on dates and all kinds of things so Riley would start to like Louis. He was worried at first that his plan wouldn't work, but eventually it did. He asked the bitch to move in. When they were collecting her stuff, she deleted the picture off her camera. That was Louis' plan all along. He does not love the girl. You're welcome" Adrian reads the last of it.

My mouth falls open and my heart stops. I feel tears beginning to prickle at the surface of my eyes, but I force them back. I reach in to my pocket and take out my phone. For all I know these could be rumors she created because she wants him back. But then again where did she get all the small details?

I dial Louis' phone number and he answers on the first ring.

"Riley I can explain-" He rushes out. He must have known I would find out about his 'plan'.

"Enlighten me" I say. I feel my voice crack but I chose to ignore it. I need to be strong if I want to find out the truth.

"Okay so what really happened was-" Louis begins but I cut him off.

"Save it. I don't want to listen to the story again. Is what she wrote true or false?" I ask. A tear falls from my left eye.

"It's true" Louis sighs.

I hang up the phone and let the tears fall.

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