Chapter 135

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Chapter 135

Riley returns to the driver's seat now fully clothed in casual clothes and turns the key in the ignition. As she pulls out of the car lot, she reaches to the radio and turns it on. Best Song Ever comes on. Riley changes it.

"Hey!" I pout.

"Oops, sorry" Riley continues to listen to a song I've never heard of on the radio and I reach over and turn the station back to where my song is playing.

"Hey!" Riley smiles.

I smile back. It's good to see her happy and not quiet and secluded.

"Please it's almost over" I jet my bottom lip out and Riley rolls her eyes but leaves the station.

"You two are like an old married couple" Adrian says from the back seat.

Riley frowns again. Not a good time to bring that up, Adrian. I need to cheer Riley up again. I don't want her to be sad. Riley is one of those people whose mood can change everyone else's in a second.

"Riley" I say.

"What" She snaps.

What is she thinking about?

"What do you call a fake noodle?" I ask.

"Louis, I swear to god..."

"An imPASTA!" I say and immediately start laughing.

Adrian begins to laugh from the back seat, from my laughing I'm guessing, and when I look over at Riley she's trying to hide a smile. Mission accomplished.

We park on the street outside the small ice cream parlor. Lit up ice cream cones dance along the front of the brightly lighted building, and two large windows let out light from inside the building flood out on to the dark sidewalk. I get out of the car and hold the door open for Riley, then Adrian takes the door from me and holds it open for me. We walk up to the counter that has a small slanted rectangle of glass blocking us from tubs of ice cream and toppings. The shop has an all-round 60's vibe to it.

Riley orders first, a chocolate cup with brownies sprinkled all around it, then I order, then Adrian. When we have our ice cream, we all pay for our own through I gladly would have paid for everyone's. We take a seat in the baby blue booth with me on one side and Adrian and Riley on the other. Riley is across from me. As much as I want her next to me I know it's best if we do it like this, nice and slow.

We all eat our ice cream slowly and listen to the retro music playing throughout the parlor. Riley bobs her head to the music as she brings another spoonful of ice cream with a fat chunk of brownie lodged on top of it to her mouth.

"Louis do you not do band stuff anymore or..." Adrian starts the conversation.

"We do" I answer

"Then how the fuck do you have time for all of this?" He asks.

The front door opens and a little girl and her mum walk in. They smile in our direction and I wave my hand at them while Riley smiles and Adrian does nothing.

"I don't know, honestly" I say. "We don't really have anything planned until Monday when we're doing Good Morning America in the US, then we're off for about four days, then we have a shoot for a music video for two days, then I don't know what we're doing"

"I'm going to get another cone" Riley announces and Adrian lets her out of the booth.

"Do you have a job?" I ask Adrian.

"Yeah but I quit. The girls I worked with were bitches. I have an interview tomorrow to work for work in Ikea" He says.

I nod and look over to my side to see what's taking Riley so long. I see her paying the cashier for a strawberry ice cream cone. That's weird; she doesn't like strawberry ice cream. Riley bends down and my eyes move to the little blond girl in pig tails who has tear stained cheeks and an empty ice cream cone. A glop of strawberry ice cream lies at her feet, slowly melting. Riley hands her ice cream to the little girl and the girl hugs Riley, her small arms wrapping around Riley's neck. The girl releases Riley and walks back over to her table, where her mum is talking on her phone.

Riley grabs a napkin from a nearby table and wipes up the spilt ice cream and throws it away. The cashier comes back with a mop and I see him thank Riley and dismiss her. She smiles at the middle-aged man and walks back to our table. I turn my head back to Adrian and find him talking about the bitches he used to work with. Riley returns to our table without saying a word. Instead of sliding in next to Adrian, she sits down next to me and uses a napkin to clean her hands to make sure there isn't any strawberry ice cream remains left on them.

"Long story short they both moved to France" Adrian finishes.

I nod like I was paying attention, but I can't think of anything else besides the girl whose heart I broke, the girl who can change in seconds in the backseat of a car, the girl who just left her own father's funeral yet still stayed so strong, the girl who gave a little girl ice cream because she dropped hers, then helped clean up the spilt mess. The girl who can still love me after all the shit I put her through. The girl whose name is Riley Greene.

A/N :)))))))))

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