Chapter 61

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Chapter 61

I continued to wonder what the fans would say as I put my empty bowl in the dishwasher. I was sure some would be happy for Louis, but others wouldn't. I wanted to know what they were saying.

Didn't Louis say something about twitter? I really would like the fans to at least hear a little about me before judging me right away. Maybe this would be good for me.

I pulled out my phone and downloaded the app, then started making an account. I typed in my email and name, and then chose my username to be @RileyGreene. I signed on and started learning how the twitter format was set up.

I followed the boys, along with a few other people I know.

When I followed Adrian, I clicked on his profile and discovered he has over 20,000 followers. I followed him and sent him a text telling him my new twitter. I remembered Louis tweeting Adrian, confirming they knew each other personally, so when Adrian tweets about me the fans will know who I am.

I chose a picture of me in shorts sitting cross legged in the grass with my eyes squeezed shut and both rows of my teeth showing. I then made a bio for myself, and locked my phone.

I flipped through some channels on the TV, stopping on an old episode of SpongeBob. During a commercial break the first ding from twitter came. Adrian had followed and tweeted about me. I smiled and looked back up to the TV.

My phone dinged again. And again. And again. I unlocked my phone and saw my followers rapidly rise before my own eyes. I went to my twitter settings and made it so I could only get notifications from the people I was following.

What should I tweet? The first tweet is very important. It will be how the fans will see me.

I bit my lip.

'Hi" I tweeted.

I locked my phone and continued watching the telly.

I stole a glance at my phone next to me.

I looked back up at the telly and back down.

I sighed and grabbed my phone, unlocking it and getting on twitter. I looked at the replies to my tweet. I smiled at some, and brought my eyebrows together at others. The majority of tweets were people saying 'hi' or 'follow me' or asking if I was THE Riley.

'Ugly' one read.

I laughed at that one.

'You don't deserve Louis' another said.

Is this my nightmare?

'Beard' that one got a lot of favorites and retweets.

I remember Louis telling me something about these people; how they were convinced he and Harry are in a secret relationship and I was a cover up.

I shook my head.




'Kill yourself'

Kill myself?

I shut off my phone and took it across the room, then came back to the couch and thought about the nice tweets. Some people even said they loved me.

Those ones made me smile.

My mind drifted back to the hate.

Some people want me to kill myself? They don't even know me. I shook the thought out of my head and thought about how Louis said people wouldn't like me just for dating him, and to just forget about them.

But I couldn't forget about them.

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