Chapter 147

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Chapter 147

When I return home from work the following day, there are piles upon piles of cardboard boxes and plastic tubs scattered around Adrian and I's apartment. My roommate himself is sitting on the kitchen table, writing something down.

"What's all this?" I ask him.

"We've been kicked out" Adrian says.

I drop my purse on the floor. How could we have been kicked out? We never throw parties or anything, and haven't violated any of the building rules.

"How?" I bring my hand up to my face and start massaging my temples. I had a rough day at work today and I am in no mood to come home to this.

"The building manager kicked us out because of the paparazzi. He say's they've been coming to the front desk nonstop asking what flat you're in" Adrian says and gets off the table. "I've scheduled for a relater to come and show us some new flats today, we have to be out by next week"

"When is she coming" I ask.

"In an hour"

I sigh and walk to my room. When I walk in I already see dozens of boxes around the room. I hate packing. I loved this flat so much, it was perfect for Adrian and I. I guess I should begin packing if we have to be out by next week. I am glad, however that Adrian went out and got boxes and called a relater instead of dumping it all on me when I got home.

I start taking things off the table tops in my room and putting them in boxes. By the time the relater knocks on our door, I have three boxes full already.

I stand up from the floor and pat down my hair, then go out in to the living room to meet the relater. She is a woman who looks to be in her late thirty's with short blond hair and a pencil skirt with a blazer. Her striking blue eyes meet mine as I walk over to her.

"Hi, I'm Christie Collins. You must be Riley" She says.

I shake her hand and walk over towards Adrian.

"I have a few places already picked out, but is there something in particular you're looking for" She asks.

"Privacy would be really good, like in a secluded area" I say and she nods.

"Alright, let's be on our way then" Christie walks out our front door and Adrian and I follow her.

The first place Christie shows us is on the outside border of the busy part of the city. It has dozens of trees lining the area. It is about five minutes from my work, seven from Adrian's, and ten from Louis and the boy's rental. It had red bricks on the outside, and instead of the stairs being on the outside of the building, you have to walk through a wooden door to get to the stairs placed on the inside. There's a basement level where the custodians are, and directly to the right of when you walk in to the building in the manager's office.

Christie leads us up two flights of dark wooden stairs to the second floor. There is a lot of natural light in the stairwell; we pass several wooden doors on our way up. On the second floor, the floors are carpeted. Christie walks up to the right side, and leads us down a long hallway with a balcony at the end. She walks us one door down from the balcony to room 8B.

Christie opens the door with her key, and walks us in to the apartment. Straight through the door there is a small room where two coat hangers and a closet are. There is a giant mirror to the left of us, and the walls are painted white.

"This is a modern style flat that costs 2,000 pounds a month" She says. "It has three bedrooms and one bathroom"

That really isn't a bad price for a flat, especially for this one's size and location. I love how bright it is, with dark brown, almost black wooden flooring. The living room is just past the opening area, and it has a terrace on the far right wall. This living room is bigger than the other one, and it is open to the kitchen. The kitchen has tiled floors, and white cabinets that I'm not too crazy about. However, this kitchen does have a window that shows a view of the trees outside.

We walk out of the kitchen, and walk through the living room and down a hallway with four doors lining it, two on each side. We open the first room and are lead in to a large bathroom. The shower is against the far left wall, with the toilet next to it and the sink next to that. The bathroom is a really good size.

We walk out of the bathroom and across the hall to another bedroom.

"This is the first bedroom" Christie says.

It is about the size of Adrian's room at our current flat, maybe a little smaller. A large window is on the back wall, and there is a small closet. The room is empty, so it's going to look even smaller if we put our stuff in here.

We walk out of that room, and in to an identical one across the hall, but this one is a little bigger. Then we walk in to the master bedroom. This bedroom has two windows that again have a view of trees from the outside. It has a walk in closet and is a lot bigger than the other two bedrooms. This one is a little bit bigger than the bedroom I have at home.

Adrian and I look at two more houses that day and by the end of it all my feet are aching and it's almost nine o'clock.

"What do you think?" Christie says when we return to our current flat.

She doesn't seem to have lost any energy since we first met her.

Adrian and I have been talking about which house we thought was best in the car, and I think we have come to a decision. The first time we went house hunting my parents were helping us. Adrian's parents lived too far away.

"I think we're going to go with the first one" Adrian says.

All the houses were honestly great, but the first one stood out the most I think. It had the most privacy, and was really bright on the inside, and that's what I loved most. I hate the white cabinets, though.

"Great, I'll have you two come over to my office tomorrow at three to sign the paperwork, then I'll give you the keys" She smiles.

I give a forced smile back and wave

goodbye to her and she walks out the front door. When she's gone, I fall back on to the couch and cover my eyes. I'm exhausted.

"Do you think your mum could come help us move?" Adrian asks.

"I don't know," I reply. "I'll call her in a minute" I get up and walk to my room.

My muscles are aching and I'm eager to take a shower then crawl in to my bed to fall asleep. Just as I'm about to walk in to the bathroom, my phone rings.

"Hello?" I yawn.

"Hi Riley" I hear Louis's voice on the other end.

As much as I love hearing his voice, I'd much rather be asleep right now.

"Hi Louis" I rub my eyes.

"How was your day?" He asks.

He never calls me like this, what is he doing?

"We got kicked out of our flat because of the paparazzi, so Adrian and I were looking for new flats pretty much the whole day" I say rather sharply.

"Fuck, I'm sorry Riley" Louis apologizes.

"It's not your fault" I say even though it practically is. "So what are you doing?"

"We're in the airport"

"Fun" I say.

Why is he talking to me and not the other boys? I was excited to be away from him to see what it would be like when we reunite, but he obviously can't go twenty-four hours without talking to me.

"When are you moving?"

"We have to be out by next week, we are going to sign the papers tomorrow"

"Where is the flat?" Louis asks.

"It's ten minutes away from your house. I need to take a shower, bye Louis" I sigh.

"I love you"

"I love you" I hang up the phone and toss it on my bed.

If Louis calls again tomorrow, I won't answer. I want to see what it would be like to go a week without him and what it would be like when we reunite. I grab my towels off my bed and wade through the boxes to the shower.

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