Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

“Riley, we’ve noticed some pictures coming in of you and Louis Tomlinson” Clark studied a notebook of mine before throwing it into a box. “I’m afraid you know the rules, I’m going to have to fire you”

I put my head in my hands; Clark’s words hit me like a rock. How was I supposed to pay for everything I need? What about my scholarship?

“However, your outstanding work here before all that made me convince University of London to give you a half scholarship” Clark stood up. “I expect you to be out of here by 8:00” and with that, he left, leaving me alone with my boxes.

At 8:00 on the dot I was sitting on the outside curb of Grindstone, my boxes stacked up around me. I had called Adrian minutes earlier telling him to pick me up, and luckily he said he was already in the area getting donuts.

I sat with my head in my hands waiting for Adrian. I knew I had enough money in the bank to pay the rest of my half scholarship, and a little left over for food and stuff, but I had no way of being able to continue paying my half of the flat bills. I would have to get a job right away. I was worried about what my parents would say; they worked hard to give me everything I needed and I just threw it away.

I decided I wouldn’t break up with Louis, he makes me really happy and I was a mess without him for a week when we first knew each other.

Adrian finally pulled up to the parking lot, and silently helped me pack my boxes into the boot. I was thankful he didn’t ask any questions or talk about anything when he saw my tear stained cheeks, but I knew I would be getting a talk when we got back home.

The car ride was silent other than my soft sniffling and the sound of cars going by us, and I built up a little strength when I realized that London was a big city, with a lot of jobs.

When we arrived at our flat, I set my boxes on the table and went over to the couch. I pulled a blanket over me and immediately started crying. Adrian came over and sat next to me.

“Shhhh Riley, it’s okay, you’re going to be okay” Adrian said. “We can find you a new job I promise”

I knew Adrian would know that I got fired, the clues were all there. I was sitting on a curb in front of my old job with boxes, crying. I am crying now, and he knows the rule about the celebrity relationships, and he knows I’m in a relationship with Louis.

“I think you need someone else here with me” Adrian stood. “I’m going to call Louis”

I continued sobbing as I nodded my head. I got up and went into my bedroom to change into more comfortable clothes and put my hair up out of my face.

I came out wearing and oversized t-shirt and snoopy Christmas pants. My hair was tied up in a bun on top of my head. I took a seat on the couch and stopped crying for a bit, but still felt a lump in my throat.

Adrian came to join me on the couch. He rubbed circles in my back and I began to feel tears wet my face again. I rested my head on Adrian’s shoulder and he wrapped his arms around me.

I heard the front door open. “I came as fast as I could. Where’s Riley” Louis’ eyes landed on me and he quickly came over to the couch. “What happened?”

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