Chapter 73

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Chapter 73

My mum and I decided to stop and a clothes store first, walked there. Mum promised me we would go to the antique shop next so I tried to rush in the clothes store, however I did end up buying a black dress that singes at the waist then flares out at the bottom. The top back part of the dress was black lace.

Mum took forever choosing out a pair of earrings to wear, so I looked around at the t-shirts.

I found one with the One Direction on it, a photo shoot from 2011 I'm assuming. I checked the size and price tag and decided to get it, just to humor the boys. After I bought both that and the t-shirt I still had a couple pounds left that I was hoping I could spend at the antique shop.

I paced the hardwood floor behind my mum, still waiting for her to choose a pair of earrings.

"Come on mum we don't have all day" I sighed.

I pulled out my phone and checked my texts, Louis didn't reply to mine. I decided that he is probably busy, so I slipped my phone back in to my pocket and followed my mum to the cash register so she could pay for her earrings.

"It took you long enough" I groaned as we walked out of the shop.

"It was a hard decision" My mum laughed.

I began dragging my mom out of excitement down the street to the antique shop, almost running over two people. I dodged a small dog and let go of my mum's hand to run up to the door of the antique shop.

I swung open the glass door and stepped inside.

My nose filled with the smell of wood and cinnamon apples, and my eyes adjusted to the dim lighting.

I smiled and walked around the store, hoping for my eyes to catch something amazing. I heard the front door bell ding behind me and looked back to see my mum enter the store.

I heard small classical music play from and old radio and walked over to it. A silver antenna rose up from the old dial radio. It was a bit dusty, and the music was staticy. I remembered I used to have a radio like it when I was around ten, and I hated how old it looked. I walked away from the radio and over to the kitchenware. I always liked this section best. The amount of detail put in to the plates and cups never fails to astonish me.

I carefully pick of a blue and white china plate and turn it over in my hands. I check the price tag and my eyes widen, and I set the plate back on the shelf.

"Do you like this?" My mum was suddenly behind me, picking up the plate.

"Yeah, but the price is too much" I replied. I hoped my mum wasn't going to get it for me.

To my luck, mum put it back on the shelf.

"Bummer" She walked over to a wooden rocking chair.

I shrugged and continued looking at the kitchenware until mum and I decided to go home empty handed.

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