Chapter 55

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Chapter 55

The next few days were lazy days.

On Wednesday we had a movie day, we watched Titanic, White chicks, the whole twilight series, and a couple Disney movies.

On Thursday the boys had a signing, so I stayed home and slept all day. Louis stayed up with me that night and we talked about EVERYTHING. We talked about his family, mine, and our interests. We told stories both funny and serious, but mostly funny. Louis told me he loved me that night.

It was currently Friday. The boys and I were all packed up for Leeds, and we were going to their private plane in an hour. I was a bit uncomfortable being on a private plane, our every need was served and I felt spoiled.

Louis and I sat together, and the rest of the boys were scattered. The large white chairs were facing each other, and tables were on the side of each chair. We would arrive in Leeds in one hour. The boys and I decided to play would you rather to pass the time.

"Would you rather kiss a stranger or eat spoiled meat?" Niall asked.

"Kiss a stranger" We said in unison.

The game went on for about 30 minutes before we ran out of questions. Harry had fallen asleep and I was just about to, it was almost 7 am.

Eventually I did fall asleep on Louis' shoulder, his fingers playing with my hair sending tingles down my spine. Louis awoke me later to tell me we were in Leeds.

Louis was taking me to my parent's house in a rented car while the rest of the boys went to the hotel. Driving past the small buildings on the outskirts of town made me think of my childhood, and how my friends and I used to walk to Tesco most days to get candy. As time went by my friends moved on. They stopped talking to me or I did to them; most of them were high school drop outs. Adrian stayed though, he always has.

I gave Louis directions to my two story brick house, with two small trees planted in the front yard. We pulled into the driveway at 9:00 am.

I rang the doorbell with Louis and my bags at my side, and when the door swung open I was greeted by a shower of hugs and kisses from both my parents. I could tell Louis felt awkward.

"You must be Louis" My mother beamed, shoving her hand out for Louis to grab. Louis shook her hand awkwardly and my mum pulled Louis into a hug. Louis was caught off guard by the sudden movement but hugged back eventually.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Greene" Louis said.

"Please, call us Debbie and John" Mum said. Louis nodded.

My mum had Louis and I got put my stuff up in my old room, which had been untouched.

"Your parents are nice" Louis said as I threw my suitcase on the bed.

"I'm glad you like them" I said, placing my red pillow on the bed.

My bedroom was medium sized, not too big but not too small. I didn't have a walk in closet or a bathroom but the room could fit my queen bed, two nightstands, a dresser and a desk. My walls were panted sky blue, and my duvet, and furniture were white. My dark cherry wood floor was spotted with blue and white fur rugs.

Louis took a seat on my bed and looked round while I continued unpacking. Just when I put my last shirt in the drawer for the week I heard a soft knock at the door and my mother stepped in.

"Louis you are welcome to stay with us here if you don't want to stay at the hotel" My mum said.

"That would be lovely" Louis smiled.

I was glad Louis and my parents were getting along, and even happier Louis would be staying with me. My mum beamed and left the room.

"You're being pretty quiet" I said to my boyfriend, shutting the drawer and leaning against the dresser, crossing my arms.

Louis shrugged and continued staring at my walls. I followed his line of gaze over to a picture hanging on my wall. It was of me and my friends.

"Who's that?" Louis asked, walking over to the frame.

"The two girls on my right are called Natalie and Serena. The two on the left are called Shannon and Maggie" I replied, looking at our smiling pictures. The photo was taken in high school.

"What happened to them?" Louis asked. He knew my friends all dropped out, and actually they did so just a few months after the picture was taken.

"Natalie started dating a guy who wasn't any good, and Serena got in a lot of fights. Shannon and Maggie were good for a bit but then they started doing drugs, and because I refused to do it with them, they stopped talking to me. I stopped talking to Natalie and Serena" I said.

They had always been my best friends up until that year, we met in grade 3. It really hurt to let them go, but I knew I had to. Natalie was the best of my friends, but her boyfriend treated her like shit and hated my guts when I told her so. I don't know where Natalie is. The rest of my friends are in jail. I knew that. It hurt a bit to talk about them but I knew Louis should know.

"I'd never do anything to hurt you like they did" Louis said.

"I know" I took down the picture frame and slid it into a drawer.

"I have today free but the next few days I have interviews and small concerts to go to" Louis changed the subject.

I nodded. "I'll just hang around town"

"What do you want to do today?" Louis asked.

"I could show you some of my favorite spots around this part of town?" I suggested.

"I would love that" Louis beamed.

We waved goodbye to my parents who were sitting on the living room couch, my dad watching the tele and my mum on her laptop.

Louis and I decided to walk to the first spot. We held hands as we walked down the narrow path into the woods.

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