Chapter 155

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Chapter 155

Riley's POV

I fall asleep right after Louis tells me that he's staying, and wake up hours later, according to the clock on the telly. Louis is snoring softly beside me, and a packet of skittles rests just beside my head. I reach up, stronger than I was a couple of hours ago and take the skittles in my hand. I look behind Louis and past the curtains to outside my hospital room window. I can see the London Eye lit up from here, and all the buildings are lit up with lights for London's night life visitors.

I try my best to pry open the pack of skittles but fail and just let them fall beside me on the white mattress. I lean over to grab the remote beside me and change the telly channel off of BBC and on to E! News. I am fairly sure this is a bad idea but I go for it anyways. I watch the hosts bash on some unknowing celebrities until finally a story comes on about the boy next to me.

'Louis Tomlinson visiting someone in the hospital? Find out whom after the break' the hostess says.

The commercials roll past and I decide to try on the skittles again. This time I am successful, but skittles fly everywhere. I open my mouth and one or two land in, but the rest fly in different directions. I turn my head towards Louis just in time to see a red skittle plummet down and hit him on the forehead and slide down on to his lap. Louis opens his blue eyes, alarmed.

I hold in a laugh as he looks down on to his lap and picks up the skittle before popping it in his mouth. His eyes come up to meet mine and a smile spreads across his face.

"Louis, I want to go home" I say. "I'm feeling much better"

"I can't break you out" He says.

Just as I am about to give a detailed plan of how he can indeed break me out of the hospital, E! News returns to the telly.

"Riley, it's not good to watch this" Louis lectures.

I shush him and turn my attention to the screen.

'One Direction band member was seen pushing the speed limit to get to the hospital in time. But why? Sources say he was visiting a close friend who broke his leg. Good to see you're a good friend, Lou' the telly says then moves on to another story.

"Who is this friend" I tease.

Louis rolls his eyes.

I am about to change the channel to another show when a nurse enters the room.

"Riley, you're free to go. Here are your clothes" The nurse says. She places my clothes in a neat pile on the hospital bed next to me and walks over to me to release the tubing from my left hand. I thank her and she exits the room.

I swing my legs over the side of the hospital bed and lower myself down slowly. Louis is already standing next to me, ready to help in case I fall or something. I reach behind me and untie the bow holding my hospital gown on me and let it fall to the floor. Apparently the nurse had to remove my underwear too, as I am stark naked in the hospital room. I hear Louis's breath hitch beside me.

I take my underwear out from inside the stack of clothing and slip it on, followed by my pants and shirt. I don't have any shoes, so I take my mobile off the table next to me and slip it in the pocket of my sweatpants. I walk out of the room, my legs wobbling beneath me. Louis follows me out of the room, his hand places on the small of my back for support. We walk to the lift and I raise a finger and jab the down button on the outside of the entrance. The doors glide open and Louis and I step in to the empty lift. Louis reaches forward and presses the floor level button, and the lift slides down to the first floor.

We exit the empty lift and walk across the lobby. Just as we are about to walk on to the car lot, Louis picks me up and carried me bridal style to his car. He gently places me in the passenger side and closes the door, then walks around the car and gets in the driver's seat.

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