Chapter 78

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Chapter 78

Louis decided to just drive home; we didn't want to wait at the airport in this mood. Louis hummed countless songs and I stared out the window, thinking of how my dad was doing.

I eventually fell asleep in the middle of Louis humming 'Over My Head' by The Fray, and woke up what seemed like minutes later when I heard the car engine slow down, signing we were almost home.

I sat up in the passenger seat and looked out the window. It was dark outside. It was still light when Louis and I left earlier today.

"Do the boys know we're gone?" I asked.

"Yeah," Louis said. "But I asked them not to come home because I thought we could just have some time alone together."

"I'd like that"

Louis' car pulled in to the large garage of our house, and he opened the trunk and got my bags for me.

"I thought this was a rental car?" I asked. I spotted Louis' regular car in the corner of the garage.

"Oh, right. I'll have someone figure that out later" Louis grinned sheepishly.

I giggled and grabbed my pillow and the plate from the front seat, and walked in to the house. I flipped on the light switch and waited for Louis to enter. Louis was carrying both out suitcases, and I suddenly felt guilty for making him lug my stuff around.

I offered to help carry our stuff, but Louis shook his head.

"We really need to get an elevator" Louis said, looking up and the stairs before us.

I nodded and began walking up the steps.

I pulled out my phone and checked the time. It was almost one AM.

"Why are there so many stairs?" I groaned, trudging up the 30th stair.

"We're almost there" Louis grunted, adjusting his grip on our suitcases.

We finally made it to the top of the stairs and walked down the hall to our bedroom.

I opened the large wooden door and flipped on the light switch.

"I'm going to take a shower" I informed Louis. He nodded and I grabbed a large t-shirt and some underwear then exited the bedroom and in to the bathroom.

I turned on the warm water and stepped in, letting the stream dissolve my tension for a while. The water ran off my hands and ran down my legs before going seeping in to the drain. I squeezed a small amount of shampoo in to the palm of my hand, and massaged it through my hair then rinsed it off. I then moved to the conditioner.

I wondered how my mum and dad were doing, and how Adrian was. I haven't talked to him in a while. I remembered back to the hospital when Louis held me in his arms. I wondered what would happen if I was in the car with my dad, or if I had decided to go get ice cream or something. What if that was me in the car? I shivered at the thought. What if it was my mum? Or if it was both my mum and my dad? I couldn't possibly handle that. Why wasn't Louis answering my texts? How did he get to the hospital so quickly?

I've been so busy lately I haven't had time so actually think and sort out my feelings, it w=always been just go go go.

My head was starting to pound form my questions, so I got out of the shower and wrapped myself in a warm, fluffy towel. I dried myself off then slipped into my clothes and underwear.

I set the towels back on the rack and opened the bathroom door to find Louis sitting on the bed, his head in his hands, crying.

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