Chapter 163

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This chapter is quite quite boring and you might fall asleep but it's so close to the end of the book so savor it thanks

Chapter 163

"What do you want on your sandwich?" Louis asks.

"Roast Beef and Colby Jack Cheese."

"You're out of Colby Jack."

"I'm going to get some then."

I hop off of the kitchen counter and walk past Louis, grabbing his bum in the process making him jump and drop the container of roast beef. I laugh as I grab the keys to our rental from the table next to the front door, and then grab a few pounds from the saucer holding extra money. I open the door and call a goodbye to Louis. I close the front door behind me and walk down the steps to the driveway, wearing my yellow and green striped pajama pants and a white t shirt. I open the car door and step inside, putting the key in the ignition and starting the car.

I drive down the road to a nearby Tesco and park towards the back due to a low level of empty parking spaces. The sky is cloudy today, so it's feeling more like England with bipolar weather I know and love. I walk up to the sliding glass doors and walk inside. My ears fill with the sound of chatter and soft music in the store, and I walk to the produce section to get some Colby Jack and maybe a gallon of pre made chocolate milk depending on how much the cheese costs.

I find a block of cheese and am relieved to find that I have enough money for both that and the chocolate milk. With my newfound items, I walk back to the cash register and pay for them, then drive home.


A few days later, it was time to leave. Louis and I packed up our stuff and return home. Louis went back to his house, and I went back to mine. Louis told me he is going to go to LA in America for a little while for a vacation, and invited me to come but I declined, not wanting to take more days off of work. Adrian and I mostly just chilled at home until I had to go to work, then I came home and slept, and the cycle continued. Wolf stopped by a few times and took Adrian off to dinner so I mostly ate grilled cheese. Louis would text me every once in a while to tell me how things in America were, and ask how I was, but I didn't ask what he was doing because the update twitter accounts do that for me. Sometimes I would go to the gym with Adrian, as it was now part of his 'Staying fit to stay alive' phase every Wednesday and Saturday. I didn't argue with him on how he was spending all his money on a gym membership when he always tries to make excuses not to go.

My mum calls sometimes, but that sometimes is usually when I'm at work so I feel bad when I have to decline her call.

Currently, I am sitting on the living room floor with bills surrounding me, trying to pay them off. In school, they decide learning the periodic table of elements and being able to understand if something is a chemical reaction or physical reaction is more important than learning how to pay bills and loans. Luckily, my dad taught me how to the year before I turned eighteen so I was pretty good at this. Adrian was out with Wolf, and Louis was on a plane coming back to Europe.

With my new promotion, I was able to pay off all the bills and loans, and have about 10,000 pounds extra left over.

Adrian soon returns without Wolf, telling me that Wolf just dropped him off because he had an emergency shift at Top Shop. It's amazing that Wolf, who has no sense in style what so ever works at such a high fashion shop.

I was just packing away the last of the bills when I had an idea.

"Adrian" I stand up, excited.

"What?" Adrian replies, much less excited than I.

"We have ten thousand pounds left over from the bills! We can go on a vacation!" I cheer.

Adrian and I have never been on a vacation before; we have never had enough money as a pair.

"Really!? That's incredible! Where should we go? We should go to Belgium. Or Spain. Or Paris. Or Italy. Oh my god!"


I sit on the couch next to Adrian and grab my laptop to look up vacation spots. We decide not to go to any of the places Adrian mentioned as neither of us knows the language and it would be very difficult to get around.

"We should go to America. California maybe" Adrian suggests.

"California is not the only place in America" I say.

"Where then?"

"New York City?"


"When should we go?"

"Next month. On the seventh through the twelfth."

"Book it."

So I do. I book the hotel, which is only a block away from Central Park. I buy tickets to Madame Tussands, the Empire State Building, and the Statue of Liberty. We take the cash money and out it in the safe under the kitchen sink to save for shopping and food in the city, and pretty soon Adrian and I are jumping up and down for joy. I was so happy, I forgot to tell Louis.


I eventually did tell Louis, however and he agreed it would be good for Adrian and I to go on vacation. I haven't seen him for weeks. We were going to go visit his parent's but two of his sisters got the stomach flu and his mum decided it would be best for us not to come at that moment. I took more time off work, and promised Kim I would take double shifts to make up for my excessive amount of vacationing.

Adrian and I were due to leave in ten minutes.

We were currently running around the house, making sure we had everything in our suitcases. I took the money from the safe and put it in a zip up wallet inside a zip up purse that I had around my shoulder, holding it close to my body. My cell phone was also in that purse. With one last look at our apartment, Adrian and I locked the door and head out to the airport.

A/N Boring I know I'm sorry but WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN?? THE SUSPENSE!

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