Chapter 95

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I feel like absolute shit and I am so tired of writing because I feel like my story is shit like the chapters are too short and I am not descriptive enough and I make things go bye too fast and I need to learn some bigger words to sound like I'm a real author ugh.

Chapter 95

I woke up to thunder and lightning outside. I've always loved storms. Louis was awake too, I could barely see the outline of his body and the whites of his eyes from the light the lightning provided.

I rolled over to Louis and landed on top of him.

"Well good morning to you too" Louis grinned.

I reached over to turn on the lamp but it wouldn't even give the slightest flicker of light. I rolled off Louis and too the floor, and walked over to the light switch and tried to turn it on.

"The power is out" I informed Louis.

"I figured" Louis got off the bed and walked over to his dresser and pulled out a pair of sweatpants and a t shirt and put them on.

"Here" Louis said and threw another pair of sweatpants and a shirt to me.

I quickly out them on, welcoming the comfort of Louis' clothes.

"Let's go to the basement" Louis suggested.

"What's there to do in the basement?" I questioned, walking over to the window to look in to the storm.

"Lots of things" Louis walked over to me and kissed me neck before grabbing my hand and leading me out of the room.

We crept in to the hallway although I was sure the rest of the boys were up because of the storm anyway, even though it was only almost 6 a.m.

When we made it down the stairs and to the third floor we heard a noise behind us. I grabbed Louis' hand and turned around to see what was making the noise.

"Where are you guys going?" It was Harry.

"To the basement" Louis said. I nodded.

"I'm coming" Harry followed behind us.

Louis looked at me and I shrugged. We wouldn't be able to do anything 'fun' anyway because I hadn't taken the birth control yet and we didn't have any condoms.

Harry followed us all the way down to the basement. The power was still out so we each grabbed a flashlight from the closet and turned them on.

"It's creepy down here" Harry whispered.

I nodded.

"Louis, it almost reminds me of that time when we had that house and you had that girl over, and you took her to the basement and-" Harry started.

"Harry!" Louis yelled. His face was red.

I stayed quiet, although on the inside I was screaming. I try not to think of the other girls Louis has had sex with; although I knew it was just a fling. He didn't seem like that kind of person so it was easier for me not to think about but times like these brought my thoughts on that subject back to the surface of my mind.

But what I didn't know is how Louis took her to the basement like he's doing to me right now. However Harry is here now so I don't have to worry about Louis repeating what he did.

The worst part to me is that Louis told the boys how he took that girl to the basement. How else would Harry know?

I shook my head to rid my mind of the contaminated thoughts.

"What do you want to do then?" I quickly changed the subject.

"Let's make a fort" Louis grinned under the flashlight.

"You love making forts don't you" I laughed.

Sweet memories floated to my mind about time in the hotel room with Louis and the time we made a fort. It was definitely the most childish thing I've done since I became a teenager. It was also the most fun I've had.

"Let's get to it then" Harry started grabbing blankets and setting up flashlights and candles around the room.

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