Chapter 57

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Chapter 57

We had stayed longer than we had expected in the meadow. By the time we got out of the woods its was getting dark.

"I'll have to show you the other spots some other time" I said. Louis nodded.

I wondered why he was being so quiet, like he was shy. Louis didn't get shy, I knew that. Was he sad? I shook the thought out of my mind, not wanting to focus on the negative.

We walked back to my house and got there around 7:00 PM, and my mum told us there was food on the counter and told us she was going to sleep, her and dad had work tomorrow. I nodded and ate the food with Louis.

"Your mum is a good cook" He said, stuffing another fork full of noodles into his mouth.

"She really is" I took a sip of my water.

"I have an interview tomorrow" Louis informed me. I nodded.

"Should I tell them" Louis put his fork down.

"Tell them what?" I asked.

"About us"

"Oh. I guess we should, if I was a fan I would like to know facts instead of rumors"

"So you're not a fan?" Louis grinned, changing the mood.

"You know what I mean" I joked, throwing a spiral noodle at the boy's face.

It his Louis on the cheek, and he quickly returned the favor by throwing another noodle at me.

"it's on" I catapulted noodles at Louis.

He stood up from his chair and threw a handful at me. They splattered all over me.

I put my head in my hands.

"That was my favorite shirt" I sobbed.

"I'm so sorry" Louis came over to me and hugged me. I hugged back and slid my hand up his shirt, rubbing cheesy noodles all over his back.

"Looks like now we'll have to shower" Louis smirked, returning my actions. I squealed and ran away from him, putting my plate in the sink before running upstairs to my bedroom. My parents slept downstairs. I heard Louis put his dish in the sink and run after me. I decided to clean up our noodle mess tomorrow, when Louis was at the interview.

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