Chapter 139

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Chapter 139

The next morning, Louis and I decide to go out for breakfast. Adrian politely declines the offer to come with us, so it's just Louis and I. I should feel awkward, hell I shouldn't even be going out with him so soon, especially after what he's done but I can't stop myself.

The more time I wasn't to spend away from Louis, the more time I end up spending with him. Not only is this giving me a lot of stress that I don't need in my life right now, it's also taking Louis away from his band and that's not good for him. I decided to drive him home after breakfast so he can do whatever the boys do at home.

Taking Louis away from his band and causing friction between them is making me feel remorseful and I don't want to be the next Yoko Ono.

I am dressed in simple black denim shorts and a white loose tank top with my hair down and waved a bit. Louis and I rummaged for at least an hour in my room trying to find at least one pair of pants that he could wear. We both knew that he had taken off his pants more than once in my bedroom, but neither of us dared to mention it. We both just knew.

Finally successful, we pulled out a pair of black jeans from under my bed and Louis borrowed a white w-neck from Adrian. We were kind of matching with black on bottom and white on top, but again, neither of us wanted to mention it.

We say goodbye to Adrian and I grab my keys off the table next to the door. Louis and I walk out of my apartment and down the stairs to be greeted by dozens of paparazzi.

"How did they find my house?" I ask Louis.

"I don't know" He answers.

"Louis have you fucked her yet!?" One of the paps shouted.

I had no idea how disrespectful they could be. When I was a pap all I did was shout their names, hoping for a glance at my camera. Louis doesn't answer.

The paparazzi and slowly closing in on us, but we just keep making out way to my car.

"Why did you park it so far away?" I complain.

"Riley! Why did you forgive Louis? Did he get you pregnant?" The same pap shouts.

"Hey fuck off!" I shout towards him. The flashing lights are practically blinding me.

"Don't reply to them, it only makes it worse" Louis grabs my hip and pulls me closer to him.

We eventually make it to my car and I hand Louis the keys.

"You drive, I can't see anything" I say.

Louis nods and gets in the other side of the car while I open the door and sit in the passenger side.

"We can't go eat until the paps stop following us" Louis motions to the paparazzi already getting in their cars to follow us.

"Okay" If this is how annoying paps actually are I never would have gotten in to the business. No matter my current pay, I'm glad I'm out of that job.

Louis honks the car so the paps in front of us get out of the war and pulls out on to the street. I look behind us and see three cars following us with cameras hanging out the window. I turn back forward and sink in to the seat.

"Where are we going?" I ask Louis. He shrugs his shoulders and I reach to the radio to turn it on.

"Every song on the radio sucks" I groan.

"Thanks" Louis rolls his eyes.

"That's not what I meant" I smile up at him.

"Put in the CD then" Louis says.

Oh. I hope Louis won't react badly to this.

"I kind of destroyed it" I bite my lip.

"Oh, right. Okay" He says. "I'll just drive us to my house then, the boys also said a while ago that they wanted to talk to you because you've never actually had a conversation with one of them"

I just nod, but memories of meeting Harry in the kitchen flash through my mind. They must think I'm a total bitch for taking up all of Louis's time, and that's pretty close to what I am.

We arrive shortly at the house, and Louis walks me in to the living room where all the boys are seated.

"Hi" Zayn says with a questionable look.

I give a small wave and wait for Louis to continue the conversation.

"So what I was thinking," Louis starts. "Is that four of us could go do something, and leave one boy here with Riley, then switch off so she actually gets to know you guys"

That was what he was thinking? I'm not too up for this. I feel like I should make up an excuse so I didn't have to be here. I am getting more and more nervous to be alone with one of the boys as time draws on.

"I can stay first" Liam offers.

No matter how nervous I am, I'm glad it's him who offered first. He's easy to talk to.

"Okay then, everyone besides Liam and Riley, come with me" Louis says and the rest of the boys get up, leaving me standing awkwardly and Liam sitting on the couch.

I hear the garage door open, and a car pull out and zoom down the driveway.

Liam turns of the television. "What do you want to do?" He asks.

I shrug and look around so I don't have to look him in the eye. I hope the awkwardness minimizes with every boy.

"Do you like video games?" Liam asks and I nod.

"Let's go do that then" He stands up and leads me to the basement where the game room is.

I've never been in this room. It's painted bright red with black wood floors. Two beanbags sit on the floor next to a soda machine and a statue of Spiderman. Two TV's sit side by side across from each bean bag, and a popcorn machine sits in the back of the room, ready to be filled.

"Want to play Grand Theft Auto?" Liam asks.

"Yes, I love that game" I say.

I'm glad Liam didn't say anything stupid at my first words of the day. He walks to the two Xbox game systems and puts a Grand Theft Auto game in each. He then sands me a controller and sits himself down in a black bean bag. I sit down in the gray one and sink in to the fabric.

"I trust you know how to set it up?" Liam asks and I nod.

"I'll go make some popcorn" He stands back up. "Get some soda for both of us"

I stand up out of the bean bag with some effort, and walk over to the soda machine. I grab an empty cup and pour in some soda for both of us, then put lids on them both and stick straws in the top. By the time I make it back to the bean bags Liam is already said down with a bucket of popcorn in between both the seats. I hand Liam his soda and place mine on the ground before sitting back in the chair.

I switch my settings so I can play with Liam and some other random people, and eventually we are stealing busses and running over people.

As soon as the game gets started, and Liam and I both start yelling at the other players and the cops I instantly feel more comfortable. I had no idea what I was missing with only hanging out with Louis. I should have at least made an effort to get to know his band mates.

I don't know how long we played before someone behind us turned off our game, sending both Liam and I into shouting fits.

"Niall's turn" Louis says behind me.

I stand up and hug Liam goodbye, I'm sure Louis loved seeing that and greet Niall when Louis and Liam leave.

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