Chapter 101

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Chapter 101

I woke up in the middle of the night sweaty and panting hard. I wasn't sure what caused the sudden interruption of my soundless dreams; I don't remember having a nightmare, in fact, I don't even remember my dream.

Louis was soundly sleeping beside me, and I prayed he hadn't felt my sweat. I pushed off the clingy sheets off of me as soft as I could, not wanting to wake him.

I grabbed my phone off the bedside table and pressed the home button that signaled my lock screen to come on which gave just enough light to check the bed for any inconveniences due to the time of the month that is was.

The bed was all clear, and with a sigh of relief I shut off my phone and snuck out of the bedroom for a glass of water, cringing at the slight creaking sound the door made. I shut it as quietly as I could, and tip toed down the stairs. I stood at the second landing for a while, wanting my eyes to adjust to the darkness.

I could see the faint outline of the railing and objects along the second floor, and I decided that was good enough to keep going.

I finally made it to the main level, wishing I would have worn more to bed than a large t-shirt and underwear as the cold tiles hit my feet. I wasn't wearing any pants, but I figured if anyone was down here it was dark enough for them to not notice.

I walked closer to the kitchen, yelping out rather loudly when my hip met the sharp edge of the island. I bit my lip and scolded myself in my mind for making such a loud sound I let my eyes adjust to the darkness again and walked to a cabinet to get a glass.

I opened the cabinet door slowly; afraid it would creak like the door upstairs. I reached my hand out and when my fingers met the cold glass of a cup I took it off of the shelf it was placed on and walked to the fridge. I was relieved to notice the blue lights were lit of which buttons to press for water, and which to press for ice so it would be easy to get water without the ice accidentally coming on and clanging against the cup's sides that I held in my hand.

I pushed the cup against the tongue of the fridge and the water spilled in to my cup, making a faint filling sound. I pulled the cup away from the small dome it was incased in and took a quiet sip of the water.

"What are you doing awake?" I heard a voice.

Startled, I dropped the glass cup, sending it and its contents crashing to the hard tiles. The cup broke and the water ran along the tiles and all around my feet.

"Shit" I whispered.

I heard a laugh from a foot or two in front of me, and then suddenly the kitchen light turned on, showing Harry's bare torso, and loose boxer shorts hanging off his hips.

"What did you do that for?" I looked down. Glass circled around my feet, making it virtually impossible for me to move from my current position without getting cut.

"I thought you were a burglar" Harry shrugged. A deep, dimpled smile overcame his face.

"Harry, you have a very high-tech security system. How could a burglar get in?"

Harry shrugged and started to walk away. I almost started following him, but luckily I remembered the glass at my feet.

"Harry wait" I said quickly.

Harry turned around, raising a single eyebrow.

"Help" I looked down at the shards of glass around my feet then back up at Harry, hoping he'd get the message.

"What's the magic word?" Harry teased, turning fully around.


"Nope" Harry turned back around and started walking away.

I sighed. "Please"

Harry turned around and walked towards me, smirking. "That's more like it" he said.

Harry reached across the shards of glass and lifted me from my spot and swung me over to a bare area of tiles and I suddenly wished more than ever that I would have worn pants to bed.

"You go to bed, I'll clean up the glass" Harry says.

"No way, it's my mess" I walk to the supply closet to get a broom.

Harry shakes his head. "I'm up for the day anyway"

"Alright then" I hand the broom to Harry and start making my way back upstairs.

I make it to Louis and I's room and open the door quietly. Thankfully Louis is still asleep. I take off my shirt wanting to make myself cooler so I wouldn't wake up hot and sweaty again and climbed in to bed. I didn't pull up the sheet, again not wanting to get hot and sweaty again and snuggled in to my pillow to fall asleep again.

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