Chapter 137

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Chapter 137

Riley's POV

I really do want Louis to sleep in the same bed as me, but I know it's not best for us. I miss his body next to me so much but I need to keep to my moral.

I come back to the living room in a pair of plaid pajama shorts and a gray v neck t-shirt.

"Where'd Louis go?" I ask Adrian.

"I don't know, he said he'd be right back" Adrian shrugs.

I just sigh and sit down on the couch. I pick up Louis's bowtie off the couch and place it on the table. Where did he go? I know I'm not supposed to care where he is in this stage of our relationship but I can't help myself. Are we even in a relationship?

I feel a buzzing next to me and see a message from Louis come up.

'Come outside to the big tree next to the parking lot, please' It reads.

'What, no it's almost midnight' I text back.

'Please' Louis sends another text.

"Louis wants me to go outside" I tell Adrian.

"Don't get murdered" He replies and I roll my eyes.

I grab a jacket from the coat hanger by the door and walk out in to the night air. I walk down the stairs in slippers and start towards the tree. What does he want?

I get to the tree and look around for Louis, but can't find him.

"Louis?!" I call.

Louis drops down from a branch of the tree upside down, his knees keeping him from hitting the ground.

"What the fuck!" I say, startled from Louis's sudden appearance.

"Hi" He grins.

He is crazy, I swear.

"What are you doing? You're going to screw up your suit!" I say.

Louis drops all the way down from the branch and I can't help but remember the time we climbed the tree to get rid of the paparazzi.

Louis brings an object out from behind his back and shows it to me. A blue flower with red thorns.

Louis's POV

"It took me awhile to find, the old lady at the florist thought I was just fucking with her, she thought they were imaginary but they aren't, We had to go to the very back of the-" I start to explain, but Riley cuts me off with her lips on mine. I drop the flower and cup her face as she brings her hands up to my head and tangles her fingers in my hair.

I missed this so much. I missed her lips on mine so, so much.

Riley pulls away from me and I rest my forehead against hers. We both try to catch our breath while the wind starts to blow around us.

"I missed that so much" Riley speaks my mind.

"So did I" I cup Riley's face again and bring my lips to hers once more.

She brings her body closer to mine so there's no more room between us and she opens her mouth just enough for me to slip my tongue in. She doesn't pull away when I move my hands down to her bum and I'm grateful. I need her so bad right now, but I know that I can't have her. If this is going slow for us then I am eager to find out what it will be like in a couple of weeks.

I pull away from her. "We should probably go back inside" I say.

Riley bends down and picks up the flower from the ground and nods. I grad her hand and we walk back to her apartment in silence. I feel like I'm pushing my luck by having her hand in mine, and if a pap came by in this moment we'd be screwed. I don't think they'd be around at midnight though.

When we reach her door I let go of her hand and open the door for her. She walks in and I go inside after her and slide off my shoes.

"Louis I laid out some clothes for you" Adrian says and motions towards a pair of plaid pants on the couch.

"There isn't a shirt" I say, eyeing the clothes.

"So?" Adrian smirks at me.

I just roll my eyes back and take the pajama pants in to Adrian's bedroom. I turn on the lights and drop the plaid pants.

"Holy shit!" I scream.

There in Adrian's room are five cardboard cutouts of me and all the boys, and the walls are covered in posters. Luckily he doesn't have the One Direction duvet; I don't want to sleep on myself.

"Don't talk about it!" Adrian calls from the living room.

I close the door and try to find an empty space in the room to change so I don't have to look at myself and my band members naked. When I fail to find one, I just strip off my clothes and put on the pants with my eyes closed. I open the door and step out in to the hallway the same time Riley steps out of her room and in to her hallway, so we meet face to face inches apart.

Riley blushes and turns to walk to the living room, and I follow her. We each take a seat on the opposite sides of the couch and Riley turns on the TV to E! News.

"Louis Tomlinson of One Direction back with Riley Greene? They were both seen in an ice cream shop with an unidentified white boy" The host says.

"Thanks" Adrian comments.

"Is everyone's favourite couple back together after what he did to her? We sure hope so. Way to go with forgiveness, Riley" The host says again before switching to another story on Kanye West and Kim Kardashian.

"Thanks" Riley says and puts her feet up on the table.

I'm glad she handled that well. And I'm glad we're everybody's favourite couple even though that's greatly exaggerated. I wonder if I can scoot closer to her on the couch now.

"Welp I'm going to sleep" Riley says and stands up.
Fuck. Don't leave, please.

"Goodnight" Adrian and I say in unison.

"I'm going to bed too" I say. I don't want to be in this room without Riley, who knows what Adrian will bring up.

I doubt I'll be able to sleep with all those eyes staring at me in Adrian's room.

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