Chapter 154

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Chapter 154

Adrian and I sit on the living room couch with celebratory pizza and wine, listening to Pandora on our telly. I have changed out of my uncomfortable clothes to a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. Adrian is matching me, but has a bright yellow shirt on instead on white like I have on.

After my third glass of wine, I begin to feel dizzy and disoriented. I know it's not because I'm drunk, I've been drunk before and this is not how it felt. I try to stand up to go get a wet rag from the kitchen but end up falling on the floor. Black dots begin to cloud my vision and I instruct Adrian to call 999. Adrian is not as drunk as me, hell I don't think he's drunk at all, he only had one glass. I am reluctant to call 999 because it would be bad for my record to go to the hospital for alcohol related reasons, but I know it's best for my health.

I close my eyes just as the door opens and I hear a gurney roll in to the room.

I wake up in a hospital room with Adrian next to me.

"What happened?" I ask. I don't remember what happened yesterday but I have faint memories of feeling sick as fuck.

"You were allergic to something in the wine and it infected your blood or something. They had to take a bunch of blood from you and inject your with other people's blood. It was gross" Adrian explains.

I fall back on to the hospital pillow with a groan. I look down at my outfit and see I'm in a hospital gown.

"Who dressed me?" I ask.

"Some nurse" Says Adrian.

I look out the hospital window behind him and see the sun high in the sky. I turn my head with a throbbing headache to the side to see what time it is on the nearby TV. 1:25 PM.

"How long have I been here?"

"Almost a day" Adrian yawns.

"Thanks for staying with me" I say.

I am brought a pudding cup by a nurse and I weakly eat it, dropping the spoon at least a dozen times.

"So I'm allergic to what?" I swallow my treat.

"Wine" Adrian says.

"Wow. That sucks" I yawn.

Adrian nods and turns his attention to the TV where some show about houses is playing. I set the pudding on the table next to me, and bring my hand back to the bed and out it down. I am so exhausted and all I did was eat pudding. I slowly blink and open my eyes again. I don't want to fall back asleep but I can feel myself slowly drifting away.

"I called your mum and told her what happened" Adrian says.

"Okay" I say weakly.

"She sends her best regards"

I haven't talked to my mum lately. I would think that after my father's death she would be closer to her only child, but apparently she likes to be alone. I try my best to roll my eyes, but I only get them up halfway before dropping them back down to their normal place.

I am just about to fall back asleep when I hear my mobile ring from across the room. Adrian gets up from his chair and walks over across the room and answers it.

"Riley its Louis" Adrian covers the receiver and says. "He wants to know where the hell you are and why you haven't been answering his texts"

I try to wave him off but my arm won't lift from the bed.

"Are you sure I have enough blood?" I ask then shut my eyes.

Louis's POV

"She's asleep currently" Adrian says.

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