Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Louis' POV

No, what did I get her into. She is going to lose her job because of me. Maybe I can bribe the paps not to let the pictures out.

Wait, what am I thinking. It's their job. It’s my fault for taking Riley out.

"Who is she?"

"Is she your girlfriend?"

"What’s going on?"

"Are you getting married?"

"Is she pregnant?"

All the paps stormed us with questions.

"On the count of three... Run into the woods to the left of us" I murmured to Riley.

She gave a slight nod.

"One... Two... Three" I whispered. On three we darted to the left, leaving the paparazzi dumbfounded.

When I no longer heard the clicking of cameras or the sound of footsteps, I slowed to a stop to take a breath. Riley stopped also.

When we caught our breath, I started giggling. And that turned into a laugh. Pretty soon I was rolling on the forest ground clutching my sides.

"Louis!" Riley whisper yelled. "I hear someone coming! Climb up this tree with me!"

I immediately stopped laughing and scrambled to my feet and flung myself to the tree, and quickly climbed up it. Riley was shortly behind me.

At the top of the tree was beautiful. It had a spot between two branches that was like a platform, so you could sit and rest on it. Luckily, it was big enough for two people.

It was getting cold outside, and the air was moist. All I smelled were wet leaves. The moon light seeped through the leaves of the tree, and there were stars scattered along the sky.

When Riley finally got up she came over and sat next to me. She leaned against the tree trunk and closed her eyes.

"It’s beautiful out here" Riley whispered. The glow of the moon hit her face so perfectly.

"Just like you" I said.

Oops. That wasn’t support to come out. My eyes grew wide.

Riley sat up.

"Did you just call me beautiful?" She asked.

"No." I replied.

Riley raised her eyebrows. "Yes you did."

"No I didn't."

"I heard it."

"I didn't hear anything."

"Oh really?"


"So now you're saying that you never said I was beautiful so you're calling me ugly?" Riley smirked.

"No! You're not ugly!" My eyes widened.

"But I’m not beautiful"

"No, you're not."

I could see a flush a sadness flood Riley's eyes.

"You're gorgeous" I said.

Riley's cheeks turned pink. I loved that I had that effect on her.

"Riley, will you be my girlfriend?" I asked. My heart beat picked up speed.

Riley looked deep in thought.

She opened her mouth, and made the n sound, but closed it again. I leaned forward, waiting for an answer.

Riley took a deep breath. 

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