Chapter 133

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Chapter 133

Today is Saturday, in other words the day of my father's funeral. I have been dreading this day ever since my father's death, but I know it will make me feel better. I am scheduled to give a speech about my father in front of everyone, and I am even more nervous about that.

Adrian is coming with me; he's going to be my plus one instead of Louis. I forced him to wear a suit and a tie; however he did make the tie bright baby blue, which just screams Adrian. He gelled up his hair whereas I just curled mine.

I'm driving us there, we decided not to take a plane because it's just too expensive and I'd rather drive just in case I have to make a fast getaway. I am anxious to see Louis, but I also really want to see my family. I even push the speed limit a little bit to get there faster.

When we finally arrive I walk in to the church building and out of the cool weather and wind. I am greeted by my mum first, and she enters my open arms with no hesitance. She sobs in to my short black dress that is skin tight around me; however I did wear a black blazer so I wouldn't look too skimpy.

My mum pulls away from me and hugs Adrian, but not for as long as she hugged me.

"The video in remembrance of him is going to go on in a little bit, most of the guests are already here" Mum wipes her eyes.

I nod and walk with Adrian in to the main room, nearly tripping with my high heels on. Adrian is pretty tall, so even with my heels on I barely reach his shoulder.

We are ushered to seats in the front row and like my mum said, the place is already filled. I take a seat next to my aunt and exchange quiet greetings with her until the video starts playing.

The video is quite long, but it doesn't take more than a minute for my tears to start running. I'm glad I out on waterproof mascara today. Pictures flash by of my dad, and most of them are me with him. Because I don't have any brothers or sisters, I am the only one with my dad at times. Some pictures show me when I was little. One shows me playing on a little wooden pony with my dad rocking it back and forth beside me. Before I know it the video is over and my mum is giving her speech. When she steps down she ushers me up to the stage and I stand next to my father's ashes with a microphone in my hand.

I try my best to make eye contact with the audience as I learned in school, but when I start crying I look down and wipe my tears. I collect myself quickly and continue sharing memories of my dad. It's really hard to talk about him and not cry so hard that I can't deliver my words, but I make it halfway through without another breakdown. I look around the audience and my eyes land on Louis and the rest of the boys in the back row. Sitting next to Louis is what looks to be his family. I immediately regret wearing this dress. It isn't a very classy choice for meeting his family.

I finish telling my memories of my dad and the pastor comes up and gives me a tight hug before releasing me back down to my seat. I walk back down and sit in my previous spot, my tears still running, and wait for the service to be over.

Finally, we are dismissed to a different area of the building where a dinner is set up. I walk with my mum and Adrian, and try to pat my face dry with a tissue. I have finally stopped crying but I'm sure my eyes are red.

"Riley, you and Adrian grab a seat at the longest table closest to the food. Have Louis and his guests sit with you too" My mum says.

I hold in a gasp and nod at her directions. I don't really want to sit next to Louis and meet his family at my own father's funeral but knowing my mum, she's already told him and his family to sit by me. I walk with Adrian over to the long table and he sits at the end, so I sit next to him. I know if I don't sit next to Louis my mum will get suspicious, and drama between us is the last thing she needs right now.

I kick off my shoes under the table and chat quietly with Adrian until I feel a presence beside me. I look up and meet Louis's blue eyes.

"Hi" Louis says and sits next to me.

"Hi" I reply and shift in my seat.

"Where are the other boys?" I ask. As much as I am still angry with them for not telling me what Louis was doing to spare my feelings, I'd still like to see them.

"They're sitting in the back, they don't want to draw attention to themselves" Louis explains. "Your mum said my family and I should sit with you"

"That's fine" I say awkwardly.

Louis waves his hand and a group of five people come over.

"My step dad is working" He says.

I stand up to greet his family like the polite little woman I am.

"This is my mum Johanna and my four sisters Lottie, Fizzy, Phoebe and Daisy" Louis introduces me to his family.

I reach out my hand for a handshake, but Johanna takes my hand and pulls me in to a hug.

"I'm so sorry for your loss. I know it must be hard" She says.

Louis's family is a lot more straight forward than I thought. I should have expected that after knowing Louis.

"Are you going to marry my brother?" One of the twins asks. Daisy, I think.

Her question catches me off guard and

I open my mouth to give the fakest answer I can conjure up when the sound of the pastor's voice saves me.

"We'll start with the longest table over there to get their food" He says.

I walk to the long line of food and grab a paper plate and start piling all kinds of food on to it. I haven't eaten all day so I am starving. I walk back to my table and take out a pent from my pocket to get a soda. I walk with bare feet out of the busy eating area and in to a quieter carpeted room just out of the eating area.

Glad to be out of the busy room, I sigh and push my pent in to the soda machine and press a button so a sprite pops out.

"You're good at speeches" I hear Louis next to me.

Startled, I drop my soda to the ground. Lucky for me, it wasn't opened.

"Louis!" I hiss. It's impossible to bend down in my dress, so I just leave the soda on the floor. "I can't bend down without my dress flying up"

Louis laughs and picks my soda up for me and hands it to me. I know better than to open it up right away just in case is sprays me. I'm glad Louis didn't make a sexual remark about my dress.

"My mum loves you" He says.

"She barely knows me" I outstretch my arms and open my soda. Luckily, it didn't spray. I sip my soda and set it down on a table next to me. I'm sure my food is getting cold in the other room, and Adrian is probably feeling awkward as hell.

"She wants you to come visit and stay at her house with me on Tuesday for a couple of days" Louis bites his lip, obviously nervous.

"Louis, I don't know. I'm still not completely over..." I start.

"Yeah I get it" Louis takes his soda and reenters the eating area. I finish my soda and throw it away, then walk in the room after him.

A/N Happy 2014!!! (Almost)

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