Chapter 1

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A/N I'm still trying to find wattpad out to bare with me


Chapter 1

Riley's POV

I stared into my map as I walked the streets of London. How was I supposed to find Johnson hotel in a city a big as London? I sighed and snapped my head up when I heard screaming. This must be it. I got my camera in ready position and tried to push through the crowd of screaming teenagers.

They all screamed louder as Harry Styles walked put the door, quickly waving his hand at the fans before ducking into the black van waiting for him. I snapped a picture of him as he waved. Following Harry was Niall, Zayn, and Liam. I got pictures of them all as well.

Where's Louis?

The hotel manager stepped from inside the building.


I had to get a picture of Louis. I knew he was in there. Think fast. The fire escape out back. I read online the boys were staying on the fifth floor. I'll just climb in there and get a picture through the window. I pushed my way out of the crowd and ran along the side of the hotel until I got to the back. I was relieved to find there was a fire escape. I fastened the camera strap around my neck and began to climb up the latter. I counted the landings as I went. Should I really be doing this? Of course. It was my job. I couldn't help but feel guilty for intruding on Louis' privacy, but I quickly dismissed the thought as he was famous, so he was used to it. I finally got to the fifth landing and leaned over the railing to the row of windows. Which room would he be in?

I carefully walked to the other side of the landing, as the fire escape was already unstable. I looked in the window and my heart jumped. I got my camera ready as Louis Tomlinson walked into the living area of his hotel room. What was he doing?

Oh my god.

He was naked.

This is my chance for a promotion.

I quickly snapped the picture.

Shit, the flash went off. Louis quickly grabbed a nearby blanket and covered himself. My face burned red. Louis looked pissed. This worried. My heart dropped a little seeing how much that one picture affected him.

'GO!' My head screamed. I was frozen. Louis was putting on his shirt. Now fully clothed, he ran out the door to the hotel room. Shit shit shit.

I quickly ran to the ladder and climbed down as fast as I could, passing landings 3, 2, and 1 in a flash as I went by. Almost there. I saw I was close enough to the ground that I could jump.

On the count of three.




I let go of the railing and flew downward. The ground never came. Only strong warm arms holding me.

A/N (Again) Looking back on this first chapter, if you are just now reading this fanfic you are probably like "Jesus this is horrible. What even is this" and laughing your ass off at how fast and unrealistic these first few chapters are. Well, as time passed I grew as an author and I am writing this a looong time after I posted this first chapter and cringing as I re-read it. Give it some time, it does get better.

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