Chapter 153

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Chapter 153

I enter the photographing area ten minutes early so I have time to direct people. I feel like the head of the pack directing people like this, and I'm hoping if I do a good job with this task Kim will give me a full time job as a photographer. I can't believe how blessed I am to have this opportunity, even if it is mostly if not all due to Louis's famous lifestyle.

Minutes later, everyone leaves the room besides me, and I grow anxious waiting for Zac to get here. I walk to where my purse lays on a desk and silence my phone. I set up the cameras and lights just how I like them, and wait patiently for Zac to get here.

Just as I am about to call the manager to ask when Zac is coming, I hear a steel door open. I turn my head in that direction and see Zac and his manager walk in. The both walk over to me and I introduce myself and shake both of their hands. The manager who looks to be in his thirties takes a seat in the nearby chairs and I direct Zac of where to stand. I am trying not to faint at this event, I don't know why I am being so shaky, and I have photographed plenty of celebrities to know how to act.

Zac is a natural at modeling. He takes direction very easily and knows how to work his body really well. By the time we are finished, I am confident that we got at least twenty good pictures for the magazine. Zac didn't talk much, but I'm glad he didn't. If he did I would probably just grunt in response.

"It was really nice working with you" I tell Zac and shake his hand.

"You too" Zac smiles. I smile back and wave as Zac and his manager leave the room.

I collapse in a nearby chair and let out a deep breath. I can't believe I got five hundred pounds for doing something that easy. Soon enough, Kim enters the room with a large smile plastered on her painted face.

"Riley! Amazing job! You work so well with celebrities!" She cheers.

"Thank you" I grin.

"The pictures got sent directly to our editor's computer, and he loves them! I was surprised you did so well for your first photo-shoot" Kim says. "I only have one complaint"

My heart drops. I knew I didn't do perfect, but it always hurts when people give constructive criticism even if it does help you grow as a person. I just nod in response.

"You need to talk more. You didn't really tell him what to do; you just kinda let him do his thing. It turned out well this time, but for future reference don't be afraid to talk to the client" Kim walks to the lights and shuts them off. "Otherwise it was perfect"

"Thank you" I say. When she said future reference, did she mean...

"We're going to give you a job as our full time photographer" she says.

"No way" I gasp. For a split second, I think Louis bribed her to give me this job, but I quickly brush the thought away.

"Way" Kim smiles. She walks up to me and hands me an envelope that feels to be full of money.

"However," She continues. "You'll have to come in whenever we call you. Otherwise you don't need to come in each day"

"Thank you so much" I praise my boss.

She nods and exits the room. When I'm sure she's gone I jump up and down in excitement then leave the building like nothing happened.

Censored (One Direction fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon