Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Louis' POV

When we got back to the hotel, we scurried over to the lift and climbed inside fast enough so that no one could see us. All the firemen were gone. I expected our manager in the other room to take care of my mess. I made a mental note to thank him ASAP. I pressed the floor 5 button and leaned against the wall. Riley shuffled her feet and kept her head down. I crossed my arms and looked at her.

The curls had come out of her hair, so it was its natural straight. Riley's eyes are now a darker shade of green, and there was a bit of dirt on her white shirt from the forest.

Just then the door dinged and slid open. Riley and I walked down the hall and into the hotel room which now smelled like smoke.

"Good job Louis" Riley laughed.

"Oh whatever" I grinned.

I walked to the kitchen and saw my casserole on the counter burned to a crisp.

My cheeks burned red and I quietly slid the casserole into the melted trash can. I then pulled out two bottles of water from the fridge and sat down on the couch next to Riley. I handed her the water.

"What a night" I sighed.

"Yep" Riley said.

"Sooo" I awkwardly shifted my position so I was facing her.

Riley giggled.

"What’s so funny?" I grinned.

"You are so awkward" she said.

I rolled my eyes, "yeah whatever" I said.

I heard the door handle of the front door click and turn. I quickly glanced at the clock on the wall. 9:03. Harry must be home. He can't see Riley. Not yet. Too many questions and I could see Riley was getting tired.

"Riley, Harry's home. He'll ask too many questions that I’m in no mood to answer. Get under the sofa and stay there until I tell you otherwise" I whispered.

"But-" Riley started.

"Go hurry" I said quickly.

Riley got off the couch and slid under the sofa just as Harry walked through the door.

"Hi Louis. Why does it smell like smoke in here? Were you trying to cook again?" Harry laughed.

"Yes... And the kitchen kind of caught on fire" I hung my head.

"Why didn't you just order pizza?" Harry came to take a seat by me in the couch Riley was hid under. The couch sunk more with both of our weight on it. I hope we don’t squish her.

"I don't know. Maybe I wanted some damn casserole" I snapped my fingers in Harry's face. I was sure I heard Riley stifle a laugh under the couch.

Harry furrowed his eyebrows.

"Well I’m going to bed" I shot up off the couch.

"Lou, it's only 10" Harry tilted his head.

"I'm tired" I said a little too quickly.

"Well then I’m coming too" Harry got up.

"Never mind then" I sat down. I decided now was not the time to ask why Harry was an hour late.

"Alright" Harry sat back down. He was being impossible today.

"Harry can you sleep in Zayn's room tonight?" I asked.

Harry looked hurt.

"But we always sleep together" he said.

My eyes grew wide as I heard a soft laugh from under the couch.

"What was that?" Harry asked, looking around.

I immediately laughed the girliest laugh I could conjure up and it sounded like I was drunk or something. I looked down and furrowed my eyebrows at the noise  just made.  “That was me, obviously” I looked up and said.

"I don’t think so. You’re a pretty good actor at times but that was grade A shit" Harry looked around.

Good going, Riley. 

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